Chicago PD Releases List Of Gun Violators On Bail – IOTW Report

Chicago PD Releases List Of Gun Violators On Bail

They’re calling it the Gun Offender Dashboard.

It’s the list of everyone in Chicago picked up for gun violations and who have made bail. The intention is to let windy city residents know who in their neighborhood might be armed and dangerous. Civil libertarians oppose the Dashboard, saying it points a guilty finger at those who aren’t violent killers with who merely broke Chicago’s strict gun laws.

I think it’s going to be a problem along different lines.
Let’s say that I’m a Chicago gangbanger, looking for a rival to shoot down. Would a list of everyone who’s had their guns taken off them, then released on bail, be handy to a would-be shooter? More

9 Comments on Chicago PD Releases List Of Gun Violators On Bail

  1. Indiana is an unlimited gun supply warehouse.
    Northwest Indiana, Gary in particular, is a short drive from south Chicago.
    Several interstates and highways to choose from.
    Take the train and its even faster.
    The bulk of Chicago’s street fire arms come from Indiana.
    Chicago’s gun laws do nothing except make it difficult for you and me to get a permit.

    Here’s a short bit about an hour I spent at the south side’s only shooting range.
    It basically across the street from the city itself; and the only one anywhere near us.
    This was during the McCain/Obama election time, so Fall, 2008

    Just before I started shooting, my brother gave me a baseball cap to wear so casings wouldn’t it me in the face me, or something like that. I didn’t think much about it, didn’t even look at it.

    During the hour there, between shooting, I watched a couple dozen young men come in purchase generally a whole lot of ammunition. No shooting or shopping, just picking up ammo. It is the closest source for ammo for the entire south side of the city.

    When we were done shooting and about to leave, I checked out the hat my brother gave me was a McCain Palin campaign hat. The shooting range was in the middle of Obama’s Chicago territory, we were the only white guys around, most of the time, and he gives me that hat. I asked about it and he laughed a long time.

  2. grooL, I am not sure. It seemed reasonable to him at the time, I guess.
    He reads IOTWReport fairly often, doesn’t comment very often, so maybe he will see this and explain his reasons.

    Maybe he felt that if something violent broke out, I would be the first and primary target, allowing his rat-like departure from the scene, unnoticed and safer than me. Like surviving a bear attack, just be faster than the guy with you.

  3. Why the hell are so many responsible patriots still in Chicongo? NOTHING is ever going to get better. Crushing tax increases, municipal bankruptcy, and real estate collapse are all guaranteed. Can we say Detroilet? Get out while you can.


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