Chicago Police Superintendent – “Justice Was NOT Served” – IOTW Report

Chicago Police Superintendent – “Justice Was NOT Served”

The superintendent said this was a backroom deal and he stands by his force’s work which uncovered that this was a hoax perpetrated by Smollett.

Rahm – “This was a whitewash of justice.”

Meanwhile, the Smollett camp is running around saying this deal proves he was falsely accused.

If Rahm is not in on this, and his emotions are genuine, he is furious.

ht/ hot salsa


29 Comments on Chicago Police Superintendent – “Justice Was NOT Served”

  1. Didn’t Kim Fox recuse herself? Can this even be done then? I also heard Fox is buddies with Kamala Harris. Harris is friend’s with Smollett. Anyway, a miscarriage of justice typical of my hometown of Chicago IL. It ain’t called CROOK county for nuttin!

  2. Doesn’t this mean that two incompetent MAGA cap wearing homophobic, racist men are right now prowling the streets of Chicago stalking black homosexuals and getting ready to scream that this shithole is MAGA Country? Is it possible that they are waiting for freezing weather before they go to scratching wimpy colored dancers again? Doesn’t this require a massive police response with a huge reward for the arrest and conviction of these Trump addled ruffians?

  3. Rather than show Americans how a fair and impartial justice system should work the Illinois State Attorney chose to be a racist nigger instead.
    How is this any different than Klansman getting off against murdering a Black Man in the Old South?
    Yes, I said racist nigger.

  4. “If Rahm is not in on this, and his emotions are genuine, he is furious.”

    Yeah, this performance rings hollow for me. Rahm is the biggest purveyor of identity politics, having honed his skills as an apologist for Obama. I would bet he was in on this “deal” from the get go, weighing the political fall out of trying a popular black local boy against the outrage of his black constituency. He needs to appear simpatico with the police chief, who himself needs to appear simpatico with his rank and file officers.

  5. Waddaya wanna bet the fact (if it is indeed a fact) that the mayor and police superintendent are furious about this never makes the national news? As well as the fact that the police union wants the feds to investigate the DA?

    The story will be the charges were dropped, and the implication will then be that he’s innocent. That’ll be the take away. Because that’s how the Left operates.

  6. I watched the press conference. Rham was furious and rightfully so with what he could reveal. But, he’s not running for reelection. (Must have one hell of a security force. He’s stepping on a lot of well heeled toes.)

    Too bad he didn’t have such righteous indignation over the plight of Shitcago when he was elected. That kind of fire (pun intended) could have turned the city around.

  7. Like the Clinton investigation, they are trying to grant immunity to the criminal and then split hairs about how no reasonable prosecutor would pursue this…..

    case where a grand jury approved a 16 count indictment.

    When you’ve lost Rahm Emmanuel. Geez. What a bunch of crooked fucksticks you are.

  8. Rahm has the look of a man who just realized he’s no longer in charge. Lord Mayor Rahm…just like that. It’ll be interesting to find out what tinpot junta is ruling Chicongo. No, it won’t be interesting, actually.

  9. A caller on the Rush Limbaugh show stated that this “outrage” from the Chicago Police Chief and Mayor is all Kabuki theatre – even if they are saying all the right things. According to the caller, it was a strategy to corrupt the case by publically expressing their opinions so the case is compromised and the police chief and Rahm, the mayor look like law abiding crusaders. Anything the left does should not be a surprise.

  10. ‘The superintendent said this was a backroom deal and he stands by his force’s work which uncovered that this was a hoax perpetrated by Smollett.’
    Because Obama made POTUS and Rahm being elected Mayor was on the level,,

  11. If this holds up, then the black community and the Obamas look and smell like total crap.
    Just reinforces peoples’ opinions that all leftists and especially the black community have no idea of what is right and wrong.

    Want to get rid of prejudice ?? Well prejudice was just put back about 160 years.

  12. I vote for Rahm was in on this hoax conspiracy. Yup!! Smollett was recruited to be a well-paid patsy decoy to take the heat off of Obama who has been being exposed for the political criminal he was as President. The commie media made Nobody Smollett into a news name with a scripted agenda for the purpose of taking any incriminating information about Obama out of sight and buried. Alt news took the hoax bait and ran with it. Any outrage expressed in Chicago has to be pure performance being done for diversionary support of crooked Obama. Chicago was his personal perverse, political stomping grounds and co-nasty Rahm was a close body buddy in the Obama White House.

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