Chicago Police Say 15 Year-Old Shot Himself. Family Says Police Murdered Him. – IOTW Report

Chicago Police Say 15 Year-Old Shot Himself. Family Says Police Murdered Him.

The stories are about as far apart as possible. I’m not prejudging, I’ll wait for the body cam footage, but I find the family’s story that he was just going into the house for a drink of water and the police shot him in the back of the head to be ludicrous.

We’ll see.

16 Comments on Chicago Police Say 15 Year-Old Shot Himself. Family Says Police Murdered Him.

  1. Wait, does anyone know where the Clintons were when this happened? I hear suicide by a shot to the back of the head is a pretty common occurrence with individuals in their vicinity …

  2. It would be hard for police to pull off a lie like that considering all shots fired by service weapons are scutinized. If the kid shot himself they have the weapon he used and can prove where the shot came from.

  3. And us taxpaying, white, productive members of society are supposed to care, because why???
    My Give-A-Fuk meter is pegged at ZERO.
    One less welfare breeding, white hating, cop killing, woman raping, POS Google. What exactly is the problem???

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