Chicago teachers highest paid among nation’s 50 largest school districts – IOTW Report

Chicago teachers highest paid among nation’s 50 largest school districts

chicago school hunger strike

EAG: CHICAGO –The Chicago Teachers Union, or CTU, on Feb. 1 rejected Chicago Public Schools’, or CPS’, contract offer, which would have provided salary increases for teachers but required that they contribute fully to their pensions.

Given CTU’s rejection of the contract – and the vitriol that CTU officials directed at CPS after the district’s Feb. 2 announcement of layoff plans and other cost-saving measures – the taxpayers who pay the teachers’ salaries and benefits should consider the teachers’ current pay. Chicagoans can ill afford another CTU contract that includes big pay raises – according to U.S. Census Bureau data, the median earnings of the Chicago taxpayers paying teachers’ salaries was $31,096 between 2009 and 2013.  The median salary for a CPS teacher, on the other hand, is $78,910.


19 Comments on Chicago teachers highest paid among nation’s 50 largest school districts

  1. $78,000 a year?!>!?@?!? Are you fucking kidding me? And a fucking pension virtually unheard of for private sector workers?????

    I would only hope to Jesus Christ that they did go on strike. I would fire every one of these mother fuckers on the spot. I would drag the legal shit through the courts to the point they would get on their worthless hands and fucking knees and beg to come back.

    Teachers’ unions should be GROUND GD ZERO. They have destroyed millions of lives. I would be their worst nightmare.

    Unbelievably the president of the CPU, a corrupt nubian, was looking to be elected mayor of Chicago. UNREAL.

    Just put Chicago in the crapper-it’s the epitome of what happening with the deadly combination of REgressive/nubian leadership.

    And it’s too bad because having grown up there and a frequent visitor until mom passed in 96, it is a beautiful city. There was a time when we’d just go neighborhood hopping to try out different foods and street fairs. Now with flash mobs and an amped up race war on whites, I wouldn’t go near the place.

  2. I like that photo. Perhaps it is just the framing, but the token whites really seem to be isolated. All the blacks in the picture, except one, maybe two, are not only seperated, they are leaning away from the whites. No prejudice in that picture. Body posture says a lot.

  3. Fucking ingrates. At least their union was able to negotiate an offer on which they could vote. I am still waiting for an offer on the renewal of a contract that expired five years ago yesterday.

  4. It would be one thing if they were getting the job done.

    They most assuredly are not.

    Now, the millions of us who don’t get pensions are supposed to watch our State sink into the Abyss just to see that these worthless fucking pant-loads will enjoy a better income in an unearned retirement than the majority of Americans earn during their working years?

    Governor Rauner, you were elected to do ONE FUCKING THING.


  5. Student School performance ratings and drop out rates should be calculated in their salary and retirement “Reduction”.
    Shit teachers create shit students, shit students fill our welfare roles and prisons.

  6. Screw these professional miscreants.
    Base their pay directly on the student’s grades from the last year.
    Every child that fails means a reduction in pay for the next year
    We’ll see for whom teaching is a ‘calling’

  7. The kids should be taught to staff suicide clinics in California, easy A.

    At least one killing is required before graduation, then they get a neck tattoo as a diploma.

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