Chicago Transit Authority Worker Opens Fire On a Man Walking Away From Him After He Was Pushed To Ground – IOTW Report

Chicago Transit Authority Worker Opens Fire On a Man Walking Away From Him After He Was Pushed To Ground

Would we expect anything less than this from Chicago? There is nothing different about this gun-happy thug except that he wears a Day-Glo vest and gets a city pension.

I guess he was “dissed.”

21 Comments on Chicago Transit Authority Worker Opens Fire On a Man Walking Away From Him After He Was Pushed To Ground

  1. I suppose when you only move in slow motion, you need a gun to even up the odds.
    Does CTA have ANY physical requirements for their employees? I would expect to see this guy on one of those Walmart Super Scooters.

  2. …all legalities aside, if a man with a gun points it at you irrespective of his “right” to do so, you should STILL consider this an immediate mortal threat and either surrender at once or serpentine, whichever seems the most appropriate in the moment at hand.

    Continuing to walk away slowly in a predictable path probably isn’t the right answer.

  3. RadioMattM
    MARCH 28, 2022 AT 10:14 AM
    “He is only being charged because of racism in the Justice system. The fact that he did it should not enter into the discussion.”

    …well, you CAN bring that up, even ADMIT to it, BUT modern “justice” dictates that, because he’s roughly the same hue as some people who were treated badly almost two centuries ago, he is allowed to kill as many light-skinned people as he likes in the name of “equity” even though they had nothing to do with it, AND he’s ALSO allowed to kill fellow dark skinned people because dark skinned people have killed each other for centuries in the Motherland so that makes it dey kultur.

    And anyone who challenges it has to go to January 6th jail forever.

    So sayeth Ketanji Brown Jackson, the only judge that matters because, Black.

  4. Racer X, apparently you haven’t seen stats on Chicago firearms use in the concrete jungle. 3 out of 11 is about average, and typical the guy survived. He was probably shot in the ass at least twice.

  5. Shooter was being disrespected, the greatest crime in the ‘hood. Shooter will walk with a slap on the wrist, probably community service, for which his MTA job will qualify. Move along.

  6. Just like a scene in “It’s a Wonderful Life.”
    “Stop! or I’ll shoot!” It used to be legal to shoot fleeing suspects in the back. Then, few suspects actually ran away.

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