Chicago Trib Scorches State Senate For Seeking $41 Billion Federal Bailout – IOTW Report

Chicago Trib Scorches State Senate For Seeking $41 Billion Federal Bailout

Fox News

The editorial board of the Chicago Tribune has repeatedly slammed the Illinois Senate’s request for a whopping $41.6 billion federal bailout as the state’s financial troubles continue to grow amid the coronavirus outbreak.

“Let’s stipulate that Don Harmon, rookie president of the Illinois Senate, laid a rotten egg with his recent letter asking members of Congress to give Illinois a $40.6 billion bequest. Assorted politicians and pundits have scorned Harmon’s inclusion of a $10 billion pension bailout, as if a sudden pandemic created a pension crisis that, in fact, Harmon and his fellow Springfield lawmakers spent decades creating,” the editorial board began a piece on Friday. “We called Harmon’s request shameless and dishonest. His ‘ask’ was roundly criticized and, we would bet, part of the reason Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell rejected the idea of state bailouts in a recent radio interview.”

The Tribune editorial board agreed with McConnell that states should solve the problems they created and added that “taxpayers across the country should not be responsible for Illinois’ financial mismanagement and particularly its unfunded pension liabilities.” More

10 Comments on Chicago Trib Scorches State Senate For Seeking $41 Billion Federal Bailout

  1. Looks like a giant snowball to me
    and it is gaining size & speed!
    What is Cook County going to do when
    they run out of the dwindling tax payer money ???

  2. Feds are already $27 trillion in debt. Works out to about $82,000 for EVERY American. Why should we bail out Illinois? If all those retirement funds kept the money they donate to the communists every election cycle they’d be solvent.

  3. Watch every single libtard state elbow each other out of the way to get a prime trough position, then laugh when Trump stamps a big fat VETO on the dems pork laden cabrona relief bill.
    The president needs a line item veto.
    Problem with that is the potential for abuse when another lib sits in the OO.

  4. No bailouts and no tax increases! The state, local and federal governments need to tighten their belts, reorganize, downsize, get rid of unnecessary programs/services and return to their constitutional mandates and constraints!


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