Chicago’s New Mayor is an Openly Gay Black Woman – IOTW Report

Chicago’s New Mayor is an Openly Gay Black Woman


Former federal prosecutor Lori Lightfoot easily won the Chicago mayor’s race Tuesday, earning support from every part of the city to defeat a longtime political insider and become the first black woman and openly gay person to lead the nation’s third-largest city.

Lightfoot, who had never been elected to public office, delivered a commanding victory over Toni Preckwinkle, who served in the City Council for 19 years before becoming Cook County Board president. Preckwinkle also is chairwoman of the county Democratic Party.

Lightfoot promised to rid City Hall of corruption and help low-income and working-class people she said had been “left behind and ignored” by Chicago’s political ruling class. It was a message that resonated with voters weary of political scandal and insider deals, and who said the city’s leaders for too long have invested in downtown at the expense of neighborhoods.

“Together we can and will make Chicago a place where your zip code doesn’t determine your destiny,” Lightfoot told a cheering crowd at her victory party. “We can and we will break this city’s endless cycle of corruption and never again — never ever — allow politicians to profit from elected positions.”

She said people are seeing “a city reborn” — a place where race and “who you love” don’t matter.


Murder victims DGAS that you’re a black, woman, lesbian, and they won’t be reborn.

40 Comments on Chicago’s New Mayor is an Openly Gay Black Woman

  1. She won’t change the corruption in that city. It’s too ingrained. Crooked cops, prosecuters, alderman, all the way up to the mayor.

    The silly people of Chicago no doubt feel virtuous about electing a queer.

  2. “We can and we will break this city’s endless cycle of corruption and never again — never ever — allow politicians to profit from elected positions.”

    Write that down, stow it, remember it, quote it.

  3. Whew, I suppose Jussie can NOW safely take it in the ass since Chicago is no longer MAGA country.

    MJA, “I’m the Captain now…”

    “…who you love don’t matter* ”

    *Loved ones killed by gang violence unable to comment

  4. More poeple moving out than moving into Chicago will continue with her election.

    The ship is going down. The only ones not fleeing are the rats and the ultra wealthy libtards.

  5. Chicago is actually going to get worse under this skank then it would have been under Rahm if he served another term. She hates the cops, white people and conservatives. I expect that black on black killings will increase as well as black on white as the gang bangers realize that they can operate even more openly.

  6. We can and we will break this city’s endless cycle of corruption and never again — never ever — allow politicians to profit from elected positions.

    Didn’t they just re-elect some guy who’s, currently, when they went to the polls, under federal charges for shaking down his constituents?

  7. I’ve been to Chicago once at O’Hare airport to change planes and that’s the closest I ever want to get to Chicago. Chicago’s screwed with a black, openly lesbian mayor like that. I wonder what old guys like the late Mike Royko would think of her, let alone Paul Harvey who broadcast his radio program from Chicago. Where’s Mrs. O’Leary’s cow when you need it the most?

  8. Wow!
    From corruption to … this?

    “The Absurdity of Trope.”

    Morons! Everywhere in Chicago! Morons!
    Shut it down and build a wall around it.

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. By the way, what fag today, is NOT “OPENLY” gay????
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell


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