Chick-Fil-AAA – IOTW Report


ONN: A customer was blessed with more than a tasty chicken sandwich when he broke down with a flat tire in a Tennessee drive-thru this month, as Chick-fil-A employees served up not only a free tire change and two free cookies, but a fresh hot meal they switched out for his original cooled-down order.

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18 Comments on Chick-Fil-AAA

  1. It’s about a 390 mile round trip from Nolackaloonies, MT to Kalispell, MT, the site of the only Chick-Fil-A in the State. We’re thinking about doing it anyway. We may be too old to wait for one to come here to Nolackaloonies…

  2. Damn bastards! Don’t they realize the commies will find SOMETHING wrong; like we’re they licensed to change a tire? We’re the employees being used according to their job descriptions? How dare they take work away from legitimate tire changers? The horrors; performing filthy work and then going back to serving food. Did they wash up properly; how about their uniforms?

    Or the SJWs will just hit the ground in a hissy fit, which the customers can enjoy for free.

  3. In addition to this being the kind of thing Chick-fil-A people would do anyway, it was a smart business decision. They cleared out the drive-thru expeditiously and got a ton of free positive publicity. I’m sure, though, that it wasn’t the business benefits that motivated their helping out their customer.

  4. Different Tim, take a day trip to the western side of MI. We have plenty here. I know of two places in the southern suburbs of Grand Rapids. I would bet there are some in Lansing, too.

    I never had one till I moved here and they are just as good as everyone keeps saying!

  5. Forcibly deranged go for it. The Chick-fil-A is just north of Kalispell on the way to Whitefish. I stop by there whenever I’m up there delivering flowers. And I keep telling them that they need to open one in Missoula as well as N. Idaho, right next to the Cabela’s in Stateline just off I-90 would be a great location or the Spokane area. Or next to the new Duluth Trading Co. store in the Spokane valley just off I-90 as well. It’s worth the trip and when I stop there I usually bring an extra one home for my daughter.

  6. Sorry, you guys out in the hinterlands (smile) don’t have that many Chick-fil-a restaurants. They seem to be numerous in large cities – maybe it’s where their ministry is needed most.

  7. @ mo: OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH yeah! Hence the loonieness and the virtue signaling. If a Chick-Fil-A ever does open here there probably will be various and sundry gender confused rainbow people picketing it for awhile. But those folks do seem to have rather limited attention spans so it should all work out.

  8. I had a dead battery in my truck and had to get to work. I have a 74 Stingray convertible that gets less than 500 miles put on in a year that I pulled out to drive to work. It was a nice spring day so the top was down. I pulled through the Chick-fil-A drive through to get a chicken biscuit for breakfast. The girl running the window upgraded my chicken biscuit to the breakfast combo for having a “cool car”.

    I didn’t have the heart to tell her that I didn’t get a combo because the Vette doesn’t have any cup holders and is very difficult to drive holding a drink. Chick-fil-A is my first choice for fast food.

  9. Tsquared, got pulled over in Marquette, Mi by the sheriff. Was going to give me a warning but upgraded to a speeding ticket when he observed my cool radar detector. He even told me that.

  10. I don’t like the food there very much but I do get good service. But really, it’s just a brined chicken breast, breaded and fried, on a plain bun with just a pickle. It says more about the value of providing good service than it does selling interesting food. And the waffle fries are never crisp. Really boring food.

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