“Chicken” Cohen – IOTW Report

“Chicken” Cohen

You may know congressman Steve Cohen (D-TN) from Star Parker’s feature “How Rep. Steve Cohen Keeps His District Poor,” or watched him berate Parker and demand her apology during a House Judiciary Committee hearing.

Yesterday, the grandstanding idiot from Tennessee broke out the props to accuse Attorney General of being “chicken” for refusing to appear for a show trial before Jerry Nadler’s Judiciary committee. Here


15 Comments on “Chicken” Cohen

  1. ‘you can’t judge a book by it’s cover, nor can you judge food by the bucket it comes out of.
    He was eating crow

    if, somehow that was a ‘chicken that came home to roost,’ he better learn to eat a lot faster. Maybe that is why nadler is in the position he is.
    I hope they like shit, too, cause they’re gonna be seein’ a lot of that, too. LOL

  2. House rules prohibit food and beverages(excluding water) during hearings from what I’ve been able to gather. Haven’t heard any mention of this.

  3. Let’s see, publicly belittles and brow beats a strong independent black woman. Believes fried chicken is some kind of symbol. How many more things does the congressman have to do before people start to realize he’s a …RACIST!!!

  4. I’d like to think that members of Congress were not shanghai’d while sleeping on a bench in a Greyhound bus depot good old fashioned drunkfest. Forced into their jobs as slaves and deckhands in the Capitol.

    I’m probably wrong about that.

  5. Rep. Steve Chicken-choker (D-Tn). Is Choking the Ole Hen (COHen), again.
    The jerk off wanker ought to focus on his addiction to self abuse and stop abusing the rest of the country.

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