Chickens Modified To Lay Cancer Fighting Eggs – IOTW Report

Chickens Modified To Lay Cancer Fighting Eggs

University of Edinburgh’s Roslin Institute researchers have genetically modified chickens that can lay eggs with two human proteins important for the immune system: “one is IFNalpha2a, which has powerful antiviral and anti-cancer effects, and the other is macrophage-CSF, which is being developed as a therapy that stimulates damaged tissues to repair themselves.”

The resulting eggs produce the cancer fighting proteins at anywhere from 10 to 100 times the cost of pharmaceutical  company traditional means of synthesis. More 

8 Comments on Chickens Modified To Lay Cancer Fighting Eggs

  1. Um, I think there’s a transcription error up there. The egg method is from 1/10 to 1/100 the cost of normal production methods. Or, as the arithmetically challenged might put it, 10 to 100 times cheaper.

  2. I hope it works for the cancer patients.
    But I hope CA doesn’t get a hold of the frankenchickens and start forcing that shit on the healthy as a ‘prevention’.

    Y’all notice how many products have fake sugar in them, unnecessarily?

  3. I really thought Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein taught us the dangers of trying to play god.

    Frankenfoods, yea…what could possibly go wrong?

    “I’m sorry Timmy, but your father ate some ungodly, unnatural crap decades ago as a boy, and now you’re destined to sprout feathers out your ass and grow a dewclaw on your forehead!”

  4. My thoughts exactly CHANCE.
    Don’t mess with God’s creations.
    It is the same as trying to make a
    woman out of a man.
    At some point there will be no going back…

  5. The eggs produce these substances at “10 to 100 times the cost of the traditional pharmaceutical cost of synthesis”. Doesn’t sound very cost efficient then does it. And it won’t take long for the virus(s) targeted by these proteins to evolve to be no longer vulnerable. It’s germ warfare…. and the germs can evolve MUCH faster than we can produce new methods of attack.

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