Chief Justice Roberts says Supreme Court nonpartisan – IOTW Report

Chief Justice Roberts says Supreme Court nonpartisan


U.S. Chief Justice John Roberts on Tuesday said that justices on the Supreme Court are not swayed by politics despite the current fraught political climate.

“When you live in a polarized political environment, people tend to see everything in those terms,” he told the audience at New York synagogue Temple Emanu-El Streicker, according to Reuters. “That’s not how we at the court function and the results in our cases do not suggest otherwise.”

The courts have been criticized by President Trump for rulings against some of his policies and Democrats have complained the Supreme Court is becoming too conservative.

“The Supreme Court is not well. And the people know it,” a brief written last August by a handful of Democratic senators said regarding a firearms case. Roberts rebuked Trump last November when he complained about a ruling from an “Obama judge,” according to Reuters.

“A lot of criticism is based on a misperception of the court,” he said.

He pointed out that of the 19 5-4  Supreme Court decisions last term, seven were split along ideological lines, Reuters reported.


And the other 12 cases were probably inherently non-political.

Roberts is a choad.

26 Comments on Chief Justice Roberts says Supreme Court nonpartisan

  1. Like the liberal who put him on the Bench, Roberts lies!. For all my life the Court has been political. Some judges, clearly, more than others. I have mentioned here several times the last few years. but it is a perfect example. the brain dead “whizzer White”. He was put on the Court to rule as the Kennedy Clan told him to rule; and to sigh their opinions as his own! Whizzer’s vote was always 100% predictable!Always as a progressive!

  2. Still don’t know why Roberts had to swear Barky in twice in 2009. I mean, I know Barky can f–k up a wet dream, but how hard is swearing in a President, John? We had more complicated rituals in Cub Scouts.

  3. Let me get this straight – a slimy ambulance-chasing shyster who is politically connected, as well, and lands a cushy job as a judge from which graft and corruption flow as from an oil well, gets some politician to appoint him to a lifetime job where he works 2 or 3 months a year – but he AIN’T swayed by politics?

    Kagan is the most extreme example – totally unqualified to be, not only a judge, but a human. Sotomayor is a partisan, femi-Nazi, racist (“the wise latina”) scum-sucking piece of shit who doesn’t even attempt to hide her partisanship. Ginsberg is an admitted traitor who relies on European “law” at the exclusion of our Constitution.
    And you, “justice” Roberts, found a “tax” in the attempt to nationalize our health industry which was absolutely illusory!

    There may be a special place in Hell for hypocrites – I don’t know – but if there is, you’re gonna find it.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Remind me how many times Wise Latina surprises court watchers by switching side on a case running contra to her Far Left Communist worldview.

    Less than Roberts. Same with Ginsburg.

    The one true takeaway? Here’s me switching sides – Jesse Jackson was right. Stay out dem Bushes.

  5. Beach Mom nailed it. Looking at Robert’s politicized decisions there can be no other conclusion than that he’s being blackmailed. Some past action of his is being dangled over his head by his puppetmasters; “stay in line or else we release the video of you getting banged by a tranny!”

  6. @ beachmom SEPTEMBER 25, 2019 AT 7:41 AM

    I have said since day one that the Chicago Democrat machine has the goods on Roberts. It has been transparently obvious that the guy is compromised. He has something, or more than one something he wants to take to the grave with him.

  7. Mmmmmmm Hmmmmmmmmmmm! Riiiiiiiiiiiiight! If he weren’t a compromised or compromising liar and actually GAS about the Judiciary and the SCOTUS, he’d have added “should be” to that line – and submitted his resignation.

    forcibly deranged

  8. I guarantee you I can predict how the “wise” Latina Sotomayor, Kagan, who would not recuse herself from O-Care vote despite being involved earlier, and the ACLU whore RBG, will vote.

    It will be way out in left field despite the Constitution.

    So shut up Roberts. Do they have pictures of you with little boys or something even worse? You will burn for your crap.


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