Chief Moron of the United States Explains in 2007 That Any Weapons Left Behind After Withdrawal Will Be Used on Our Grandkids – IOTW Report

Chief Moron of the United States Explains in 2007 That Any Weapons Left Behind After Withdrawal Will Be Used on Our Grandkids

The worst president in my lifetime, no question about it. I actually hate this guy more than Obama.

16 Comments on Chief Moron of the United States Explains in 2007 That Any Weapons Left Behind After Withdrawal Will Be Used on Our Grandkids

  1. Hey, W, you pucking futz, your new best buddy is talking about your war. But go ahead and dump on Trump and his voters some more.

    BFH, I almost hate W as much as Biden or Barky.

  2. Joe is a lying scumgrifter. Always has been. He was happy for decades with his cut coming in to the point of selling out his country. Bet your ass that he doesn’t really know now what the fuck the extent of damage that TPTB(e.g. our Intelligence gathering organizations) that are pulling the strings are doing.

    OTOH Obama(and ValGal) are evil walking the earth with the intention of “fundamentally transforming” our country. They put into play numerous new agencies and redirected others to undermine our traditions, institutions, values, culture and history.

    That fucking ear to ear smile he spews makes me sick. I’ll never forget it when he welcomed President elect Trump & Melania to the WH knowing full well he had it bugged with plans afoot to derail his 1st term. Remember about 2 weeks or so after Trump was inaugurated and he cleared out of the WH so some “mechanical” issues could be resolved? yeah

    This is the fucker to hate.

    Say what you will about the previous worst President, Carter, he was a liberal and naive fuckup but didn’t hate us rubes. If Obama could press a button and we’d become Matrix batteries, we’d be Matrix batteries.

  3. Remember Obama said “If you like your health plan, you can keep your health plan” and he was the most brilliant President in history.

    Geez, give a guy a break. C’mon, man!

  4. I still HATE Obama with all of my being, since he intentionally hates the USA, and he accelerated this downward slide. That intentional hate and outright destruction continues, during Zero’s unelected third term.

    Biden does not know what in hell is happening, and probably will never know.

    And President Trump remains the greatest President within my lifetime. I hope and pray for his long life and for the long life of his family.


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