Chik-fil-A Hero Saves Boy being Strangled by Seatbelt – IOTW Report

Chik-fil-A Hero Saves Boy being Strangled by Seatbelt

Why they keep saying “choking” is beyond me. He was being strangled. But, let’s not be a pedant.

(Watch him get arrested for having a knife.)

11 Comments on Chik-fil-A Hero Saves Boy being Strangled by Seatbelt

  1. Not pedantic at all. It’s a good point. Choking is internal, strangulation is external.And I’d never really thought of it until just now. An actual thought provocation. Fancy that.

  2. Yep. Strangled.
    And somebody give that man a year’s supply of Chick Fil-A!
    No seriously, I hope he is recognized for that. That was awesome.
    Also, if that were CA, he’d have been arrested as soon as he hopped back out of the car for with that knife.

  3. Usually this camera angle shows a fat black person crawling INTO the drive-thru window because the order only came with three packets of hot sauce or ketchup.

  4. Pocket knives are limted to 3-1/2″ in Washington State (used to be 4″). I no longer carry my prized 4″ buck just because of it, but rather a very sharp, 3-1/2 with a deadly point. His blade appeared to be shorter than 3-1/2 so he’d be legal here.

  5. Chik-fil-A has been giving scholarships to deserving employees. This young man deserves a reward recognition, and is very likely to get one. Another important point that needs media recognition is he represents “superior masculinity.” Saving a life by having the presence of mind and the right knife needed to do it!

  6. It was only an amazing coincidence the young hero was carrying the knife that day. At the end of his shift his family and he were leaving for a vacation in London.


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