Children Detained In Tent Cities Are Packed Together Like Covid-Sardines and Joe Biden is Responsible – IOTW Report

Children Detained In Tent Cities Are Packed Together Like Covid-Sardines and Joe Biden is Responsible

His policies caused these illegals to jump border, bringing Covid with them.

Where are their Vaccine Passports?

ht/ stirrin the pot

6 Comments on Children Detained In Tent Cities Are Packed Together Like Covid-Sardines and Joe Biden is Responsible

  1. Sitting here watching the sun set, thinking how beautiful it is, then realized those Biden Burritos might be heading up I-5 on there way up here to the capitol. Great. Think I’ll go back to the sun going down.

  2. Keep in mind that every one of them represents a paycheck to the Cartels as an indentured servant slave and the democRATs encouraging, enabling and supporting this operation makes them fully complicit in this atrocity… along with their toadys in the fully compliant, Bought & Paid For, Kee-Pad Media!

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