Chileans Pass on Opportunity to Become a Socialist Hellhole – IOTW Report

Chileans Pass on Opportunity to Become a Socialist Hellhole

Red State

A proposed progressive utopia was on the ballot in Chile as the nation went to the polls to vote on whether to adopt a newly drafted constitution or not. The measure was supported by Bernie Sanders, among other Americans, and seen as a test case for the idea of guaranteeing far-left “rights.”

Chileans had other ideas, though. They soundly rejected the new constitution, sending a message that they won’t see their country turned into Venezuela in order to make some people living in New York City happy. More

7 Comments on Chileans Pass on Opportunity to Become a Socialist Hellhole

  1. Just a bump on Boric’s collectivist road to a communist utopia. While conceding defeat he has vowed to keep trying until the people get it right (and if they can’t get it right he will get it right on their behalf — or he does a Biden and labels them counterrevolutionaries and enemies of the people and begins a purge).

    Colombia’s Pres. Petro has already condemned Chileans as returning to Pinochet, which is to say they are fascists and should be dealt with accordingly.

    Franco and Pinochet were corrections to leftist overreach. Leftists will never see it that way.


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