Chilling 9/11 Photo – IOTW Report

Chilling 9/11 Photo

15 Comments on Chilling 9/11 Photo

  1. How many people here have been to the original World Trade Center?
    We visited in the 80’s and went to the observation deck in the North? Tower.
    I still have the folded up visitors brochure.

    This event will never leave my mind.
    I didn’t want to watch shows this weekend because of the pain and anger.
    Well, I blew that off and have watched a ton of documentaries.
    I actually learned more I didn’t know.
    Of course I cried a lot.

  2. Don’t forget the Supremely Gutless Court. Those cowards allowed the Installation of the Obiden-Kalamity Catastrophe, despite their Constitutional obligations. Oh, that’s right, they don’t want to be bound by their Sacred Oaths. The blood of every person killed since the Installation is on their hands now. The millions of illegal aliens surging across the nonexistent border, spreading the ChiComVirus and bankrupting the country is also their responsibility. They forgot what happened on 9/11/2001.

  3. This is a nationlly known tragedy which is why you’re reading of it now, but keep in mind that this is a risk every firefighter runs every day.

    Permit me to acquaint you with only two examples, Captain Robin Broxterman and Firefighter Brian Schira.

    You never heard of them.

    They were not responding to a high profile act of terrorism, just a “routine” basement fire. They were well trained, full time members of one of the best equipped departments in the area, and this was far from their first fire. They arrived on scene in a 3 man unit, assessed for life hazards, then Captain Broxterman and Firefighter Schira begin an aggressive interior attack.

    11 minutes later, they were dead in a basement in the rubble of a partly collapsed building.

    It wasn’t glamorous. It wasn’t noteworthy. It wasn’t deliberate malace, althogh it appeared to have started from a Gro-light in the basement from which you can draw your own conclusions. Things could have been done better, they always can when humans are involved. Nothing of national significance here.

    But those two are just as dead in the rubble of a residential hallway as the men who had a 110 story building fall on them.

    If you’re wondering, this was not my department. I did not know these people personally and this particular fire was well after my time, but in the course of her 17 year career I had served under a mutual aid agreement a time or two as one of many yellow helmets under her command. She was my sister as FF Schira was my brother, even though he was too young for me to have ever served with him. Because I know their community, I can say that they were just ordinary people in Boring, USA, dealing with the insignificant little tragedies every such place has. No glamor, no national media, nothing anyone can use to further a political agenda.

    But every community has them as their protectors. And all those like them can die of their craft at any time, just like an FDNY member can.

    It happens.

    So as you look at that fire crew crossing that bridge to their death, take a moment to think of these to and the many, many fallen like them across this Nation that also rode to their deaths. It doesn’t need to be terrorists on multiple aircraft for everyone, in some cases just bad Gro-Light wiring will do.

    I could go on with many others, more recent and from better known places, but you get the idea.

    Not every truck that leaves, comes back.

    And not every rider on those trucks comes back on them every time.

    So when a fire truck passes you, lights flashing and sirens ahowl, please pull over with the respect you would give for a herase.

    Because that very well may be what it is.

    May the Lord bless those that morn the fallen. At Ground Zero and across this Nation.

    And may God protect those that serve still.

    God Bless,

  4. A good friend of mine at work told me the day after the towers fell he was going home and leaving for New York to help however he could. The business we worked for gave him a leave of absence and he was gone for about a month. When he came back he was never the same, very sad and yet I just saw an article asking…would another terrorist unite a divided America? Like it would be a good thing if it would! Who thinks like that?


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