China Booted Out Of Houston – IOTW Report

China Booted Out Of Houston

The Hill

The U.S. has ordered that the Chinese government shut down its consulate in Houston, citing the need to protect American intellectual property.

“We have directed the closure of PRC Consulate General Houston, in order to protect American intellectual property and American’s private information,” State Department spokesperson Morgan Ortagus told The Hill in a statement, referring to China as “PRC,” shorthand for the country’s official name, the People’s Republic of China. More

15 Comments on China Booted Out Of Houston

  1. I kinda wonder how many of these little creeps are here specifically to disseminate the virus among the populated areas. These flair ups don’t make much sense to me.

  2. China needs to be kicked to the curb permanently. I don’t care, if I have to pay a few extra bucks for any products made here, the list is endless.

    I think we can all agree, that we don’t want to ever go through another Kung Fu Flu situation ever again.

  3. @Anonymous July 22, 2020 at 1:38 pm

    > We will be in a shooting war with them very soon.

    Wonder if they’ll be providing materiel support for United States’ oppressed cultural and geographic minorities? That’d be an outrage.


    Actually Jarheads were shooting and killing ChiCom over 56 years ago. I killed a few 52 + 53 years ago with the 5th Marines!

    And my 5th Marine predecessors killed hundreds of thousands of ChiCom as “The Frozen Chosen”.

    A good book about this (IMHO) was written about 65 years ago. The Manchurian Candidate.

    ChiComs have been making war on America for 70 years!


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