China Bulldozes Church After Forcibly Removing Congregants – IOTW Report

China Bulldozes Church After Forcibly Removing Congregants


Authorities forcibly removed congregants from True Jesus Church in China’s Henan province before demolishing the building. Authorities injured two elderly church-goers in the process, according to Chinese persecution watchdog Bitter Winter.

The Chinese government began persecuting congregants of True Jesus Church in June. Authorities allegedly cut off the church’s electrical supply, before approaching the church and forcibly removing congregants from the building in order to begin the demolition process.

Authorities said the church was engaged in “illegal fundraising” and was therefore an “illegal building.” More

11 Comments on China Bulldozes Church After Forcibly Removing Congregants

  1. Actually I don’t mind.

    Jesus Inc.’s main job is to money-grub. The Chinese should remind them, “Jesus didn’t build one church, he was out teaching and helping the sick, so you don’t need one either.”


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