China Declares ‘Nothing To See Here’ After Admitting Fuel Rods Damaged At Nuke Plant – IOTW Report

China Declares ‘Nothing To See Here’ After Admitting Fuel Rods Damaged At Nuke Plant

Business Insider

China denied that there were heightened radiation levels around its Taishan Nuclear Power Plant after a report said its part-owner had warned of a leak.

Foreign ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said on Tuesday: “There is no abnormality in the radiation levels around the nuclear power plant, and safety is guaranteed,” according to Agence France-Presse. More

22 Comments on China Declares ‘Nothing To See Here’ After Admitting Fuel Rods Damaged At Nuke Plant

  1. The communist leadership knows if a few thousand people die from the radiation, it’s a drop in the bucket compared to the 65 million Chinese Mao murdered and starved during his decade long (1966-1976) “Cultural Revolution” or the 10s of thousands since then.
    No big deal for communists to inflict upon the peasants. It isn’t like they are under-populated.

    Gives you an insight what the socialists and communists in the US would do if they were given carte blanche to abuse and kill citizens who were perceived to be enemies of their revolution. Not unlike Antifa, BLM, marxists and anarchists destroying major cities, but much worse.
    Take it to the extreme like Mao, then identify global warming deniers, so called White extremists, Patriots, perceived racists, Constitutionalists, gun owners, Christians, Jews and Republicans.
    Transforming the US for social change, social justice where the state nationalizes all industry, agriculture and businesses and every person will have a place to live, medical, free drugs, a state assigned job, equal pay and benefits from the cradle to the grave.
    It’ll be a new brave world governed by the elite Party Members.

  2. The Trashcan Nuclear Plant says, like, NUCUKULER SHIT HAPPENED!



    Chinks are far worse than the US Press. But I can’t figure out how.

  3. Oh no’s, everyone freak out because it’s China and you have no idea how reactors work, or sometimes fail.

    Best get used to these types of stories as they have the AP1000 so… just about anything with Westinghouse attached to will fail spectacularly.

    Also, if they ever actually finish Vogtle 3/4, we will see the same thing

  4. All pretty vague.
    Noble gasses in the primary coolant loop (depending on the amount) could affect the pumps – and the pump seals.
    We know from the Gamma signatures exactly which isotopes produced them – so that “speculative” bullshit about “maybe” Xenon-133, Xenon-137, or Krypton-90 is fatuous nonsense.
    At any rate, Framatome knows for certain – but they’re not going to shit where they eat (not even Frogs do that).

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Their reactors are like all their other knock off’s, looks good at a glance but a deeper look shows that they’re inferior in every other way.
    I’m surprised it didn’t happen sooner.

  6. One wonders if Mao said “Your safety is guaranteed” to the 50 or so million Chinese and others they murdered in the name of communism.
    Can’t trust a commie, here or there or anywhere.

  7. That Register article is full of comments from ChiCom apologists…

    If they had so much gas being generated they had to vent it off, they have a bigger problem than just one or two leaky fuel rods. A lot of gas implies at least a partial core melt.


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