Stay Calm – It’s Just China Annexing Africa for Global Peace – IOTW Report

Stay Calm – It’s Just China Annexing Africa for Global Peace

The People’s Republic of China is setting up its first foreign base in the African nation of Djibouti. Construction of the base has already been completed and the Chinese sent out their first contingent of troops yesterday.

“State-media has called it a landmark move that will increase China’s ability to ensure global peace.”


More on the mission of the Chinese base Here





22 Comments on Stay Calm – It’s Just China Annexing Africa for Global Peace

  1. Rufus T, the Chinese have been crawling all over Africa for years. And African population has been skyrocketing during those years. Maybe that is because the Chinese have only had “workers” there instead of soldiers.

    Wercome to new coroniarism, heigui.

  2. Good luck with that. We should have let Russia have the middle east when they invaded it years ago, instead of backing the opposition against them. Russia and the ME would pretty much have wiped each other by now and neither would be a problem.

    So now the Chinese will be fighting with the moslems over control of the African-Africans. This should be interesting.

  3. The muslims might take heed. Say what you want about our little yellow commie bastards, they have no idea what political correctness is and they have no rules of engagement, they just kill people.
    I find this their endearing quality.

  4. As with Tibet, expect drastic population reduction – of the natives.

    When I visited Lhasa 15 years ago I asked our Tibetan guide (who was impressively fluent in English, as good a command or better than my own) how many Tibetans lived in Lhasa when it was ‘liberated’ in the 50s. We both understood the term, but having a Chinese bus driver felt the need to be discreet. His answer, about 15,000. There were about 150,000 in Lhasa when I was there, of course mostly Chinese and likely fewer Tibetans than 15,000.

  5. The US base there, Camp Lemonnier, is the jumping off point for operations in Africa and on the Saudi peninsula. It is the only permanent US military base in Africa and home to the Combined Joint Task Force. It is a Navy re-supply base for ships in the Persian gulf. It is interesting in that it has the Army as it’s security force – the Marines there have a different mission. The Air Force is also there because the runway is big enough to handle C-5’s down to drones.

    I wonder what the real reason is with the Chinese going there.

  6. @Rufus T. Firefly:

    Watch the Chinese complete their strategic positions on all the major ocean trade choke points.

    We need to re-acquire the Panama Canal. Before they do.

    I hate to tell you, but you’re waaaaay late on that. In 1999 when the Panamanians were given the canal, they immediately turned around and signed a 50-year lease/contract for the operation of both the Pacific and Atlantic ports with Hutchinson Whampoa. That Hong Kong based company is run by a guy deeply involved with the Chinese Communist regime: Li Ka-shing (how’s that for a bidnissman’s name?)

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