China Erects A Trump Statue For The New Year – IOTW Report

China Erects A Trump Statue For The New Year

DC: A statue resembling President Donald Trump has been spotted in a shopping mall in China in light of the Chinese New Year.

Since 2018 is “The Year Of The Dog,” a mall in Taiyuan, China decided to display a giant statue of a white dog that resembles Trump. The statue of the dog has Trump’s signature hair style and mimics the president’s hand gestures with his index finger pointed upwards, a pose Trump often does while speaking.

A statue resembling US President DonaldTrump and his iconic hairdo has been spotted in a shopping mall in Taiyuan. It resembles the large, inflatable Trump-chicken seen earlier this year. 2017 was the year of the chicken. 2018 will usher in the year of dog, starting in February.  read more

10 Comments on China Erects A Trump Statue For The New Year

  1. In Communist China, a caricature of President Trump is displayed.

    In Free America, a caricature of President Trump’s severed head is displayed.

    Who’da thunk it would ever come to this? And why is Mudflaps not in jail?

  2. If a Chinese new year statue of Obama is ever found my bet is he will be shown bowing and looking at the ground. You know, pretty much the way a submissive dog tucks its tail and bows its head avoiding eye contact.

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