China Increases Wuhan City Death Toll Numbers – IOTW Report

China Increases Wuhan City Death Toll Numbers


A senior Chinese official has defended a sudden increase in the coronavirus death toll in the central city of Wuhan, putting the spike down to standard statistical analysis and once again denying any suggestion of a cover-up.

In his daily briefing, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian told journalists Friday that the Chinese government does not allow cover-ups, Reuters reported.

Wuhan city—where the COVID-19 coronavirus originated before spreading across the world to become a pandemic—revised its death toll up 50 percent on Friday, according to the state-run CCTV news channel

Officials said 1,290 more people than previously thought had died from the virus, representing a 50 percent increase in the toll. More

18 Comments on China Increases Wuhan City Death Toll Numbers

  1. They ‘might’ be using the same statistical firm that the hoplophobes use to get their numbers of people that support ‘gun control’ – just speculating.

  2. Like the Bible sez in end times.
    LIES & DECEPTION. Nobody knows what
    or who to believe anymore… Joe Biden
    is Biblical prophecy incarnate.You know
    the part about Babel.

  3. The most creditable aspect of the Chinese government is that you can trust them to lie. A sudden 50% increase? BS! If the truth were told it would more likely be a 200% increase.

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