China Labor Camp Survivor Warns America of the Dangers of Adopting Socialism – IOTW Report

China Labor Camp Survivor Warns America of the Dangers of Adopting Socialism

Idiot kids think socialism is simply wonderful, not realizing the measures a socialist government will take in order to not give up power once they have it.

They think capitalists are evil, therefore anyone battling this system are the good guys who would never do harm to its citizenry.

When socialists inevitably start running out of other people’s money, and resort to draconian austerity, one will find out just how “good” the bureaucrats are.

Watch this woman testify. She is but one of millions with a similar story.

ht/ hot salsa

18 Comments on China Labor Camp Survivor Warns America of the Dangers of Adopting Socialism

  1. actually … any form of government, including our own, ” will take in order to not give up power once they have it.”

    hence, the situation we find ourselves in today … usurpation of power by the judiciary & total paralysis by the legislature

    we’re coming to a tipping point in the governance of our country where we are going one of three ways, either we continue as we are, a constitutional republic … or go into a European Socialist model(eventually evolving into the Communism of equal misery for the masses; as opposed to today’s equality of choices), or the Roman model of benevolent dictatorship … which worked for 200 years of Pax Romana

    it boils down to a simple choice, either let others dictate what we shall receive, or allow us choose our own destinies …

    as of now, we have choices, though few … but the window is closing … fast!

  2. Idiot kids think socialism is simply wonderful

    Some do. But idiots are never a concern. Even “idiots who vote”.

    They think capitalists are evil

    Not the idiots. The idiots don’t think. And, even with the Humpty Dumpty meaning of words (to those of the “right”, even more so than those of the left), those who do think, know capitalism is evil. Not wrong. Not improperly implemented by all those previous people, but come the revolution I’ll do it right — if you only give me your blood and treasure. Proven… evil. By it’s deeds, as well as it’s words. (Which the left, honestly, declares their disregard for the meaning of, while the “right” uses them falsely, claiming to be the keepers of “eternal” truth.)

    And, of course, as @ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ pointed out,

    > any form of government, including our own, ” will take in order to not give up power once they have it.”

    Now, for those of you who still don’t get it…

    Capitalism is the end of history. It is the star on the horizon to which intelligent mankind has been striving. For… ever. And, now, it is within reach. If only you people give me, “your”, blood and treasure. And push through.

    Sound familiar? Maybe you can’t hear the echo through all the wailing, and the muffling of the pussy hats.

    “Socialism” (see? neither the right, nor the left, can bring themselves to use the “word”), is the deplorables’ sword against “capitalism”. Taken up, in spite of it’s curse, in spite of it’s thirsts, because of the demonstrable… insatiable… greed, corruption, sloth… list your favorite sins — “capitalism” is there… feeding it, spewing up torrents of more of the same. Like a recent, “inevitable”, United States Presidential candidate. But there comes the time, there always comes the time, when “Look how awful I’m telling you the only other choice I’ll allow you is! (And don’t believe your own lying eyes about the stories I tell you.)”, is met with “meh”.

    How many who voted for the current President of The United States, did so because he was so “wonderful”? How many voted for him, because they yearned to live in his “America”? How many voted for him, rather than the True Conservative™, or the Libertarian, or even the Green (ooh, the people love Green™!) candidates? And how many voted for him in the (known to be beforehand, to those who were willing to think) false hope that he would put the “inevitable” alternative to the sword… but were willing to accept merely holding that ravenous beast at bay? Before taking the peasants’ silver and riding into the sunset?

    And what have the Democrats (the Eurocrats, and the rest) learned? “Capitalism”, meet the bête noire you told “your” people was the only alternative to you. They no longer seem to fear it… more than the only alternative you allow them. Meh.

  3. I’d sure like to see this woman — and a whole lot more like her — on the schedule of school assemblies across this country. Unless something is done to change the hearts and minds of young Americans, our Republic is doomed.

    A good start is to oust all the radical Democrat policy makers (who can say “lawmakers” anymore?).

  4. @Anonymous — What the heck?! Capitalism is “evil”? Is that what you’ve just written?

    “Before taking the peasant’s silver and riding into the sunset.” What are selling here? Are you saying that Capitalism causes Socialism?

    Be less florid and more direct.

  5. Just remember kids, “Socialism” is the come-on sweetener for one of the world’s biggest Bait & Switch scams! It’s all ice cream and rainbows until after you’ve elected them into power, then things start changing and the excuses start streaming. When the money runs out, the reality of Socialism ultimately slaps you upside the head and rams it up yer ass while raping the country and robbing it blind!
    (Guess whut! The money has already run out!!)
    Meanwhile your Communist overlords are pissing on yer head while the Bought & Paid for Media tells you it’s just the rainiest season evah! When you look at the democRAT clown car, every single one of them is selling Socialism. So forget all the chaff and noise of what they are trying to tell you because it simply doesn’t matter! Regardless of who’s face they stick on the ballot, the 2020 election comes down to making a decision on Socialism or Donald Trump.
    Stick with what works! (and works hard!!)

  6. 100 years of the history of socialism, with its brutality and murder, is not enough to convince young people that it’s evil?

    I guess real world history is not taught in schools anymore. Instead, we have the “history” of the LGBTQ movement and the “history” of Rock & Roll.

  7. @Tim Buktu October 13, 2019 at 9:23 am





    The hawt septuagenarians, who are moaning their articles of Judeo-ChristianConservative faith, at the “young” (by which they mean, importantly, everyone still — even potentially — productive over unity), are too “blinded”(?, yeah, that’s the ticket!) by their articles of faith, to simply math that those whippersnappers do not stroke those same articles of faith. Oh sure, Granxa — a Clinton, a Biden (and a half), a handful of Trumps. “Winners” of the “meritocracy”. Agree. (And look how young and vibrant they are!) But, if the rest agreed, they’d be dropping their currency in your collection basket. For the “opportunity” to stroke those same articles of faith. Rather than not getting on your lawn! (To mow it, for a bit less currency.)

    But pull your dividers out of the drawer. (They’re under the slide-rule, STEMlord.) Get out your ruler (you). Put one pin on zero, and dial the other out to whatever you define as “young” and (and) “impressionable“. Then, put one pin in the current year. And look where the other falls back in time. Now, dial the pins together by whatever you think is the time before people really remember what they’ve seen with their own lying eyes. (Not their three year old “choice” to “transition”.) Look at what the(ir) truth of “capitalism” (“Oh, I’m sorry, ‘words have meaning’ xuy, ‘free enterprise’.” harrumph) has done to (not for) them.

    Now (I kno-ow! so much work!), ask them what your articles of “capitalist” faith have done for their fathers. (Not their mothers. That was your articles of “socialist” faith.) Ask them what your articles of “capitalist” faith have done for their grandfathers. (Not their grandmothers. That was your articles of “socialist” faith.) Ask them to stand over what’s left of the mouldering bones of their great-grandparents, and tell you what the Socialism they killed for (to defeat the Evils of Communism™), brought them… and theirs.

    Now (almost done… I promise), proffer them your articles of Judeo-Conservative — I’m sorry (I’m not sorry) “capitalist” — faith. And ask them to “voluntarily” exchange their blood (they have no treasure — nor will “capitalism” allow them any — there’s bonds to pay!), to you. For the “promises” you “offer”(?, yeah, that’s the ticket!) them to stroke.

    They’re young. And stupid. Some… few… might… “agree”(?).

    I’m “old”. And “jaded”. And a “nihilist”. (Any other Judeo-Conservative slurs I’ve missed?) I, for one, welcome our new, beardy overlords.
    (Boots on the ground, and blades to the neck, are all that matter. “Capitalism” has shadow-boxed with their “nemesis” “Communism” for a — frigging — century! Their boots — left and right, different feet, same ruler — are on everyone’s throats. I can’t stop “foolish” “young” people from bribing their throat stompers to switch feet — and maybe enjoy a breath, in the “chaos”, between. But, I’m… just… not… interested.)

  8. @Anonymous —

    Your writing style/thought process reminds me of the purple prose penned by others who ensnared “deep thinkers” with such titles as “Mein Kampf” and “Das Kapital”. “Deep Thinkers” who just knew it (such tripe) was profound; incoherent, but profound.

    Compare and contrast what you’ve written so far with this; it’s an analysis of rhetorical devices abused by the master of rhetorical devices:

  9. @Tim Buktu — My point is that agitators like Hitler and Marx used just such flim-flammery to convince a lot of sheep that what they were calling them to do was based on a lot of bunk which the authors camouflaged with florid exhortations; historical lies, half-truths and twisted logic.

    Read the link I gave Anonymous — it’s an accurate and quite funny analyses of Marx’s “Communist Manifesto.”

    Seriously, though, people like Anonymous and their strange writings can be quite dangerous. Some idiots take their stuff seriously. Fortunately, Anonymous comes to no actual conclusion — another sophist tactic. You can never pin them down on what they’ve written because theirs is the Artful Dodger of writing.

  10. The young idiots don’t have a problem with the evils of socialism because they figure the evils will be used against those “who deserve it,” not themselves. Just look at how they give Anitfa a pass for their violence.

  11. In 1976 and 1977, it was my job to search for and locate and verify the existence and location of mass graves in China on satellite imagery. Some of them were the result of natural disasters such as the 1976 earthquake in Tang Shan, China in which it is believed that from 400,000 to 700,000 people died. Nobody knows because the Chinese government won’t say. Other mass graves were the result of the Chinese government’s brutal murder of those who didn’t tow the Communist Party line. Starvation was the most popular method of carrying out the cleansing of those who wouldn’t conform the party’s dictates. Any group under a few thousand would be shot to death and larger groups numbering in the tens or hundreds of thousands would face forced starvation by the government. It’s amazing how easy and efficient the task is when the government controls the production and distribution of food. Have you ever wondered why our own government is keen to take control of so much including health care, student loans, energy, freedom to keep and bear arms, transportation and farm production? When you control these things, you can easily control people. Don’t think for a minute that our own government won’t do the same as the Chinese if their power is threatened.


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