China: Man Bombs Kindergarten kills 8, Wounds 65 – IOTW Report

China: Man Bombs Kindergarten kills 8, Wounds 65

Breitbart: A 22-year-old man detonated an improvised explosive device (IED), or homemade bomb, at a nursery in the eastern Chinese city of Xuzhou, killing nine, including the assailant, and injuring about 65 others.


“Local officials revised the death toll from seven to eight late on Thursday, saying that two people died at the scene, and another six died later in hospital,” reports the Telegraph.

The news outlet notes that the incident is the latest in a spate of attacks mainly carried out by disgruntled workers targeting nurseries and other schools and killing and wounding scores of children.

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6 Comments on China: Man Bombs Kindergarten kills 8, Wounds 65

  1. “Disgruntled workers”?

    Sounds more like Jihad to me.

    The Chinese Army continues its low-profile eradication campaign against Jihadis throughout the infected areas.

    The English might invite some Red Army “instructors” to show their SAS how it’s done.

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