China openly discussing collapse of North Korea – IOTW Report

China openly discussing collapse of North Korea

AT: China has sent an unmistakable signal that Kim Jong-un had better not rely on the historic alliance between China and North Korea to resist President Trump’s demands.  In fact, as he dallies with his troop of teen sex slaves, he had better keep in mind that Beijing is wondering what it might be like with the Kim dynasty out of the way.

The Chinese way of delivering such a harsh message is to use a third party – preferably one without a policy role, but who clearly speaks for the ruling elite.  Someone, for instance, like the dean of international studies at Beijing University (the Harvard, Yale, Princeton, and Stanford of China).

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17 Comments on China openly discussing collapse of North Korea

  1. Well wouldn’t that just fizzle your rockets. NOKO leadership change initiated by china is the best logical option, I hope it happens. They will need to take out a couple of thousand hawkish noko generals too

  2. The Chinks aren’t gonna do shit to please President Trump.
    They will, however, do much to please themselves.
    The Kim dynasty, always the marionettes of the Chinks, will dance to whatever tune they play. When the Un-apologetic, Un-appetizing, Un-doubtably, Un-inspiring, Un-reliable Un outlives his Un-usefulness, he’ll be Un-disposed.
    I don’t know if he’s more a rogue than an obedient pit-bull.

    Hard to figure out the Un-scrutable Heathen Chinee.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Here’s an idea:

    The Korean conflict is a UN operation and it isn’t over. Just at a ceasefire stage. Convince China that they will benefit in trade and security with an industrious unified Korea along the line of modern South Korea. China, the US and S. Korea should get a UN resolution seeking the re-unification of the peninsula.

    Have China mass its military on the northern border. This draws some Nork defenses from the southern border. Give Kim an ultimatum. Relinquish power and go live in Iran or be put on trial in an international tribunal for crimes against humanity.

    Then let it be known that the end-game is to seize the North under the UN mandate and divide administration of the country, like Berlin was divided, among China, the US and a UN Asian force made up of SE Asian nations like Japan, Australia, and Malaysia. These forces would be used to liberate the people and facilitate the reunification effort.

    Whether it happens of not, massive Chinese forces on one side, massive US firepower on the other ought to get his attention.

  4. This is the sort of thing that happens when we quit electing rulers who reward bad behavior. The norks, the palestinians, the blm types, the leftist scum NGOs and pols – profit from spitting things up and crying/ threatening/ rioting/ warring until our chickenspit politicians (college admins) give in and reward their friends/ supporters with loot from the money printers(stolen mostly from kids and pensioners/ savers)

  5. Rewarding bad behavior is at the root of many of our most intractable problems. That, and the inability to even discuss certain topics w/o the screaming sheiskopf (D)irtbags going literally nuts and rioting/ attacking normals.

    The fix is simple – the (D)irtbags must never be allowed govt. power, they are in collusion with the worst sorts. Acheiving that goal is hard, only because of the fanaticism of the various (D)irtbag factions.


    🌟 All Trump has to do is say the U.S. will not move military up to the Yalu River on China’s doorstep, or those of Russia, in fact, leave the peninsula completely.

    🌟 Make sure China must sacrifice more than it is worth for one man.

    🌟 Rebuild North Korea after the fact with Chinese and Russian laborers like they do now in South Korea.

    🌟 Give China most favored trading partner once N.Korea is absorbed into South Korea.

    🌟 Sweeten the pot to their benefit and they’ll consume all of it and lick the bowl.

  7. We have no business staying in Asia. We are there as left overs from the late 1800s, and imperialism. Get out and let the Asians/Russians deal with the void. Continuing to play Risk around the world will destroy us.

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