China Outlaws Hurtful Clothing – IOTW Report

China Outlaws Hurtful Clothing


Wearing the wrong thing could land you in jail, according to a newly proposed law in China. The draft of this new law says that certain speech, clothing, or acts that “undermine the spirit or hurt the feelings of the Chinese nation” will incur harsh penalties, the BBC reports. Those consequences include up to 15 days of jailtime and fines of up to $680. The vague nature of the law’s wording has many concerned that it’s too open to interpretation, and people are calling on lawmakers clarify its language. “What if the law enforcer, usually a police officer, has a personal interpretation of the hurt and initiates moral judgment of others beyond the scope of law,” says law professor Zhao Hong, per the BBC.


22 Comments on China Outlaws Hurtful Clothing

  1. Rotten fuckers sure produce enough of it. When Eddie Bauer started being made there the shirts and jackets were cut like a damn tuxedo. The arm holes and shoulders were so tight you couldn’t swing an ax or cast out a fishing lure if your life depended on it.

    Eddie Bauer passed away ~1985, long before that fiasco. He was a really nice guy, he used to train his dogs down at McKenna with Jim Gonia.

  2. There’s a very simple but effective way to combat this. Don’t buy anything from China. Just don’t do it. Fuck them. I do my research. I haven’t purchased anything made in China in a coons age. LOL. What ever that means.

  3. I was in Moscow with my wife in 2008 visiting friends of hers. At a souvenir stand near Moscow University, they were selling t-shirts that said “Fuck Communism”. I should have bought several of them.


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