China Reports, Deletes, Then Again Reports Death of Wuhan Virus Whistleblower Doctor – IOTW Report

China Reports, Deletes, Then Again Reports Death of Wuhan Virus Whistleblower Doctor


Several Chinese state media outlets reported the death of Dr. Li Wenliang on Thursday, only to delete their reports a few hours later and publish new bulletins indicating he remains in critical condition at Wuhan Central Hospital.

No explanation was offered for why the death of Li, who was arrested for “spreading rumors” after providing one of the earliest warnings about the true danger of the coronavirus epidemic, was incorrectly reported by state-controlled media.

Li was one of eight people notoriously arrested in December for “rumor-mongering” by warning colleagues about the highly contagious nature of the Wuhan virus. He went on to contract the virus in January from one of his patients and has been hospitalized for several weeks. 

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17 Comments on China Reports, Deletes, Then Again Reports Death of Wuhan Virus Whistleblower Doctor

  1. In a statement released this morning, Chinese Health Kommissar Ai Yo Wa is blaming the mixup on an app created to track Coronavirus deaths.


  2. I understand the Chinese are immediately cremating the bodies of the dead.

    This would be unusual I think, but I’m not sure how the Chinese normally deal with dead bodies.

    I started watching the series “Fear the Walking Dead” on Hulu, sorta seems appropriate except there aren’t any zombies involved in the Wuhan flu so far that I know of.

    At least it’s interesting to speculate about things, someday something viral is going to need dealing with in an extreme manner.

  3. I can only assume that chink state news is as accurate and truthful as…. Oh, I dunno….. say cnn, abc, cbs, nbc, msnbc……
    “The first stage in the corruption of morals is the banishment of truth …”
    Michel de Montaigne

  4. Anonymous, my sources on the inside say that the Chicoms are reopening crematories which have been dormant for years, and deaths are in the tens of thousands, not a few hundred. Could be bullshit rumors, though.

  5. Chinese state media outlets reported the death of Dr. Li Wenliang on Thursday, only to delete their reports a few hours later and publish new bulletins indicating he remains in critical condition at Wuhan Central Hospital.

    Protip, Anonymous (them, not here): Better be “not spying” on global tech support — keyword “rakshasa”

  6. I’ve seen where a lot of talking heads are saying not to worry, this is being overblown, then they start babbling and making comparison’s to the flu. Bullshit! The flu doesn’t usually prove fatal for people in good health but usually the old, very young and infirmed. They’re hiding something here.

  7. I know this is crazy, but…

    If the government of China wanted to liquidate a large number of “uncooperatives” during this time by taking advantage of a mandatory quarantine, capturing and summarily executing said “uncooperatives”, and cremating their remains under the guise of public health… how would we know?


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