China To Build “Communism” Theme Park – IOTW Report

China To Build “Communism” Theme Park

Business Insider-

Wanda Group, the property and theme park conglomerate built by former People’s Liberation Army officer Wang Jianlin, will spend 12 billion yuan (US$1.74 billion) to build a theme park in the Communist Party’s revolutionary birthplace,  Yan’an, to cash in on the growing trend of so-called, “red tourism.” More

Early reports are that not many visitors are lining up for “The Long March” experience but many have come away thrilled after taking the “Great Leap Forward” ride.


34 Comments on China To Build “Communism” Theme Park

  1. I think we already have a communist theme park. It’s called Washington, DC.

    …but they seem to have some sort of problem with the “White House” attraction, though, since they’ve had signs on the barrycades blocking it for the last 2 years about it undergoing “revision” by the Mueller Deconstruction Company…

  2. If it was in Russia they could call it Gulag land, the paradise place for workers of the world but the chinks will probably call it Mao land and their mascot could be Mickey Mao. M I C K EY MAO, who’s the leader of the plan it’s none other MICKEY MAO and he has a guaranteed KILLER commie theme park in mind. Just don’t eat the omelettes if you could trust Chinese eggs if you know what I mean.

  3. There’s strength in numbers which would allow the Chinese masses to overcome their struggles but I suspect their numbers are entrapped in common-core math or the stringent teachings in Chinese schools leaves most Chinamen without the ability to think for themselves, perhaps both.

  4. Will their theme park have a memorial for
    Adolf Hitler


    Adolf Hitler
    Who was a totalitarian leftist extremist.

    The MSM has always promulgated the lie that
    Hitler and Mussolini were the opposite of
    communist policy
    when they were in fact the embodiment of it.

    There is such a thing as right wing extremism
    and it was visible for a while during the
    Spanish Civil War under the guise of anarchy.

    Right wing extremism is Anarchy
    and how often do you see that ?

    The MSM will always try to tell you that
    anything opposed to the leftist extremism
    that they propagate and promulgate as centrist
    common sense is right wing extremism .

    The core fundamental lie of the left has just been exposed.
    So also the core fundamental lie of the MSM.

    There is nothing centrist about leftist thought,

  5. …I heard that Planned Parenthood was the main sponsor of “Deng’s Wild One-Childer”. Not to give out spoilers, but they collaborated most closely on the abattoir at the end, to work out problems like making it so the rotating knives would only take out the girls…

  6. …they’ve worked out the issues with the Tibetian Torture Experience’s interactive portions by simply using Communist Party cards as Fast Passes to help separate people at the quenes between “TorturER” and “TorturEE”…

  7. There will be a shooting gallery, called the Tibetan Wild West Shoot-out. Instead of fake ducks and squirrels popping up, it’ll be real dissidents forced to pop their heads up. The rifles will be real, and so will the ammunition.

    So much fun for the Young Red Pioneers.

  8. (Announcement over the park PA)”…guest of Deng’s Dominion are reminded that monitoring of your conversations is taking place while you are ” on-property” for your safety and convenience. Guest who have specific criticisms of the Park Management Committee will be invited by uniformed cast members to participate in our “Real Bodies” exhibit for a TRUE ” insider’s” experience…”


    “THERE are “grave concerns” that many of the cadavers featured in “Real Bodies: The Exhibition” to open in Australia once belonged to Chinese political prisoners who were tortured and murdered.”

  9. …the food is good, though, if you can find any, but if you go for the “Traditional” menu, don’t be surprised if you hear barking shortly before you’re served…

  10. …this is fun and all, but seriously, NOT joking about Communist killing political opposition, mutilating and “plasticizing” their corpses, then posing them for fun and profit for oblivious Western audiences…

    …from the exhibitor themselves…

    “Bodies the Exhibition Disclaimer
    This exhibit displays human remains of Chinese citizens or residents which were originally received by the Chinese Bureau of Police. The Chinese Bureau of Police may receive bodies from Chinese prisons. Premier cannot independently verify that the human remains you are viewing are not those of persons who were incarcerated in Chinese prisons.

    This exhibit displays full body cadavers as well as human body parts, organs, fetuses and embryos that come from cadavers of Chinese citizens or residents. With respect to the human parts, organs, fetuses and embryos you are viewing, Premier relies solely on the representations of its Chinese partners and cannot independently verify that they do not belong to persons executed while incarcerated in Chinese prisons.”

    …just one Democrat victory away from the U.S A…


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