China Trolls America With “Cultural Revolution” Reference – IOTW Report

China Trolls America With “Cultural Revolution” Reference


Chinese state propaganda outlet Global Times on Thursday branded increasingly breathless efforts to destroy statues, disappear films and books, and otherwise erase unsavory history in the United States “America’s Cultural Revolution,” a reference to the massacres under Mao Zedong in the 1960s.

The Global Times concluded that the American “Cultural Revolution” is “useless” because America’s federalist, democratic political framework makes true revolution and “equality” impossible. The state-run newspaper regularly urges Americans to abandon their constitution and individual freedoms for a Chinese-style totalitarian communist system. more here

9 Comments on China Trolls America With “Cultural Revolution” Reference

  1. aw, c’mon China …. you’ve done a great job by infecting the world w/ a pandemic that’s killed millions as a result of your efforts, but it’s not like we’re gonna kill 120 million people just to start a revolution

    …. like MAO & the CCP!!!

  2. Nor what Mao’s Little Red Book was. I had friend in HS back in the late 60’s and early 70’s who had a copy of Mao’s book and he wanted me to read it. I never did because I thought it was crap. I also haven’t seen or spoken to my HS friend since about 1976 and I don’t care to ever see him again.

  3. Trolling in their press just covers the People’s Liberation Army hacking and theft, not to mention the direct, personal theft of American technology from universities, companies and the Federal Government itself by outright traitors.

  4. “The whole world is watching A Soyboy Spring arising”

    will it be over when they run out of “hot pockets” and go home to mom’s basement to play video games?

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