China: With Protests Growing, What Will Xi Jinping Do Next? – IOTW Report

China: With Protests Growing, What Will Xi Jinping Do Next?

Almost three years into China’s restrictive approach to controlling Covid-19, President Xi Jinping is being called to account as public anger spills into the streets.Protesters have directly challenged the authority of the Chinese leader and the Communist Party in scenes unthinkable just a month ago, when Mr. Xi secured a third term in power.

In Shanghai over the weekend, protesters used call-and-response chanting to demand political change. In Beijing, crowds shouted “Freedom.” In other large cities, demonstrators marched holding blank sheets of paper—a swipe at government censorship.

China experts say the protests are unlikely to translate into a leadership change, in the near term at least. But Beijing nonetheless faces a difficult dilemma. It could lift restrictions and risk a large and potentially deadly wave of Covid infections that could undermine its credibility. Or it could crack down on the demonstrators and stick with a strict pandemic strategy that large parts of the population are clearly fed up with.Neither option is a good one for a leadership focused on stability.Widespread and public outpourings of political grievance have been extremely rare in a country where people have long consented to obey party authorities—as long as they deliver prosperity and allow citizens relative freedom in their personal lives.

The protests put in stark relief the fraying of that social contract, showing that the climbing economic and social costs of China’s zero-Covid policies—coupled with an increasingly authoritarian regime’s zero-tolerance for dissent—have driven many to a kind of breaking point. MORE

11 Comments on China: With Protests Growing, What Will Xi Jinping Do Next?

  1. so I did a DDG search, and on Nov. 20, 2022, there were 9 covid related deaths in china. Nine (9), out of over a billion people. Check it out if you don’t believe/accept that. Our msm is just pandering for chinese moolah. Malarkey for moolah- that’s what it is.
    And the above wsj article says: “It could lift restrictions and risk a large and potentially deadly wave of Covid infections that could undermine its credibility.” I guess we know whose team they’re on.
    They’ll give us fear porn next.

    what will xi do?
    he’ll increase suffering.

  2. “It could lift restrictions and risk a large and potentially deadly wave of Covid infections that could undermine its credibility. ”

    Or, they lift the restrictions and DON’T get a huge wave of Coof infections, completely destroying their lie and utterly wrecking their “credibility”

    You know,
    like in the US.

    THAT is their REAL fear..

  3. There will be a dozen Tiananmen Squares all over China. The ChiComs have a 700,000 strong national police force that was formed after the last uprising to deal with civil unrest, so that the Red Army doesn’t have to fire on its own people. Rivers of red blood will be flowing before much longer.

  4. I don’t remember who said it? Something like, personal armament guarantees personal Liberty.
    I wonder why the left always wants to disarm people?
    Oh yeah, for our own good.
    ” Nobody needs a 30/100 round magazine.” It seems these people do. When dictators don’t seem to be hearing you.
    BTW, if they can tell you you can only have 10 rounds what’s to stop them from saying only 1 round?

  5. Biden will support Xi on a deadly crack down on China’s citizens.

    After all, Biden encouraged and supported Trudeau to squash the Truckers call for Freedom in Canada. Trudeau killed the demonstration and a few months later outlawed guns.

    The US is no longer a beacon of freedom.

  6. Is the risk from getting covid greater in China than in USA, where the overall death rate was something like 0.4% if you got it, and more like 0.001% if you got it but were under 60? Why is China acting out of fear of covid death?
    Oh, more likely it’s just the smoke screen. For what I don’t know, other than authoritarian control.

  7. If dozens of the assholes who were responsible for rigging the vote count in the favor of the left were found buried out in the desert in shallow graves, maybe things would be different. It’s just a thought.

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