China’s Arrogant Attitude Getting Really Annoying – IOTW Report

China’s Arrogant Attitude Getting Really Annoying


Beijing’s foreign ministry spokesman Geng Shuang delivered a series of instructions for the U.S. from the Communist state at a regular press briefing, saying it would not hesitate to take further action against U.S. media and journalists in China if the United States did not “correct its mistakes.”

“The U.S. has said that all options are on the table. Today, I can also tell the U.S. that all options are on the table for China,” Geng said. More


In recent days the Chinese government has threatened our medical supplies and to toss us into “the mighty sea of coronavirus.”

27 Comments on China’s Arrogant Attitude Getting Really Annoying

  1. Listen, you can’t blame them: they are no ally, and they make no pretense at being one.

    However, the American news and entertainment media is in their pockets, the bribery starting a long time ago. Bill clinton led the way with treason for cash:

    How Bill Clinton Compromised U.S. Security for Chinese Cash

    How Bill Clinton and American Financiers Armed China:

  2. China’s been arrogant for over 5,000 years … ain’t gonna stop now

    unfortunately, PDT has only 4 1/2 years left … if we are fortunate enough to escape the totalitarian ‘socialist’ oligarch’s election meddling

    … & China won’t be solved in 4 1/2 years … our system is doomed to failure, particularly since it’s been demonstrated that the whole world can be brought to a standstill by a virus when just a few years ago it would have been largely ignored

  3. It’s high time for any company having anything produced in China to say “F/U” and move those products back to the U.S. There are plenty of mothballed facilities here that, some with minor remodeling / upgrading that are able to be used to manufacture those products here.

  4. Many lofo Chinese nationals and ABC’s believe the commie propaganda. My Chinese-born wife wants to strangle her mom for spouting the party line, and my SIL says she has to just back out of WeChat when people come in with the commie shit. These assholes are worse than the German Bund back in the ‘30s. I’m glad my wife got here, but we have been doormats way too long for the smartest stupid people in the world.

  5. Cut the head off the dragon, stop buying their crap, get rid of their spying graduate students. The same bastards have been stealing intellectual property for years, and this time it looks like they stole the wrong technology.

  6. The communists don’t want to deal with 4 more years of Trump trying to correct the disaster that globalists have foisted on us, nor do they want to deal with the well deserved blowback due to them for covering up the seriousness of Wuhan flu for about 6 weeks before they let the rest of the world even know there was a problem. The Chinese government is directly responsible for the world wide scale of illness and death resulting from this virus.

    If this preventable economic and health tragedy doesn’t provide the impetus for the US and other “free” nations to cut China’s influence in manufacturing and political influence, we have lost our minds. We would be fools to continue to allow the evil government of communist China to have near total control over our very lives as they do now by controlling the manufacturing of antibiotics and most every other pharmaceutical chemical the world is dependent on (not to mention electronics, communications equipment, etc.).

    The press and the leftists here in the US are proving (once again) that they are truly anti-American and are actively supporting a mortal enemy of all Americans and our way of life. This betrayal will be remembered and hopefully acted upon in November.

  7. BS ALERT!!!S
    CNN has a pod cast out…
    “Everything you need know about Corona Virus”
    That piece sheet may as well be radioactive,
    It just reeks of Miss Information.

  8. Blowjob Clinton and alGore sold out America, along with defense contractor Loral Corp.

    Those two allowed the craven venal vermin at Loral to sell USA missile technology to China, in return for China donating millions to their campaign funds.

    Before this treason, China’s intercontinental ballistic missile accuracy SUCKED. I’m talking it was a 50/50 chance a Chink warhead would hit somewhere within a three-mile wide circle. This is called CEP Circular Area Probable.

    But Chink missile accuracy AFTER Clinton and alGore sold us out to the Chinks? Within a year the Chink’s Circular Area Probable went down to only 200 yards. A bullseye in other words.

    This is despicable and they should be shot for their perfidy.

  9. If the denial of service attack on HHS turns out to be China? I think the first step for President Trump would be to change the One China policy. He can say there is only one China. The Republic of China. Step two. End all trade with communist China. Impose Massive Tariffs on 100% of commie China’s goods. Impose devastating sanctions on commie China. After this biological attack? Trade with Communist China is Treason. Tell all American companies they have 30 days to get out of China. If they are not out in 30 days? Ban the sale of those products and arrest all the corporate leadership of that company for treason. Sorry for the long post. I am PISSED!!

  10. @the dirtball March 18? 2020 at 9:52 pm

    > Cut the head off the dragon

    Really? You think the Chinese snuck in? Under cover of night? And whispered hypnotic suggestions? In the ears of sleeping patriots? That’s how this all happened? Really?

  11. These unethical bastards by being dishonest and secretive have put a good share of the world populace at risk. They deserve to be dressed down on the world stage. But with planet snowflake all around us guess who gets to do the heavy lifting. As usual!

  12. @jellybean. Look up Event 201. It was at Johns Hopkins. In October 2019. Also, search the 12 November 2015 issue of Nature magazine. 2 Articles. Bat virus, and Corona virus outbreak in Korea. The traitorous democrats asked their best friends, the communist Chinese for help getting rid of Trump! Nobody will ever convince me otherwise. Buy stock in companies that make Rope!

  13. @Bubba’s Brother March 18, 2020 at 9:52 pm

    > to correct the disaster that globalists have foisted on us

    > We would be fools to continue to allow the evil government of communist China to have near total control over our very lives

    So, which is it? Because it can not be both.

  14. @Anonymous March 18, 2020 at 10:40 pm

    > The Chinese are not the problem. Chinese communists are. And they’ve bought-off just about every scumbag in the news and media.

    Yeah. Because without those feelthy Chinese. And their feelthy Chinese money (lawyer announcer’s note: “Chinese money good only in China”). Those scumbags would be loyal patriots. And we’d all be living in a constitutional republican dream.

  15. @Anonymous March 18, 2020 at 10:40 pm

    > The Chinese are not the problem. Chinese communists are. And they’ve bought-off just about every scumbag in the news and media.

    Yeah. Because without those feelthy Chinese. And their feelthy Chinese money (lawyer announcer’s note: “Chinese money good only in China”). Those scumbags would be loyal patriots. And we’d all be living in a constitutional republican dream.

  16. @anonymous at 10:31 pm – The globalists in the US greatly encouraged manufacturing to move to China (and a few other low wage countries to a lesser extent) for greater profit margins. After 20 plus years, China is now in the driver’s seat because they now control the companies that located there from the US. If the companies don’t like China’s policies toward them, they can leave, but they can’t take the manufacturing plants they built in China or the technology that China now has in their possession.

    Trump has been trying to correct some of these imbalances that he inherited by reforming existing trade deals. I think this current episode reveals that the real reform that needs to take place is to cut ties with China as much as possible and move the manufacturing of critical items back to America (simply national security). Communist China is an enemy of America.

    The corporate globalists put America in this position by their own greed and the corrupt tax policies of America’s globalist politicians (most who were bought off by said corporate globalists). Thus, there is nothing contradictory about what I wrote.

  17. “…it would not hesitate to take further action against US media and journalists…. ”
    Go ahead. Do your worst. We conservative Americans don’t care. Media and journalists (otherwise known as “presstitutes”) are like cockroaches. Nobody likes ’em, kill all you want, there’s always more.
    Ever seen the MIB scene with the giant cockroach, Will Smith, and the dumpster? That’s it, right there.


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