China’s Global Times Says China Must Increase Nuclear Missile Production If U.S. Probes Covid Origin – IOTW Report

China’s Global Times Says China Must Increase Nuclear Missile Production If U.S. Probes Covid Origin

Hmmm. Sounds like something someone who intentionally released a virus upon the world would say.

Daily Telegraph-

One of China’s fiercest anti-Western and anti-Australian mouthpieces has launched a bizarre and disturbing attack on the US, threatening it with a “high intensity showdown” possibly involving nuclear weapons, in response to calls for a further investigation into the origins of the coronavirus pandemic.

China’s state-run Global Times editor Hu Xijin — who once called Australia “gum stuck to China’s shoe” — offered his war cry in a series of posts on the Weibo social media platform.

The posts were made just after US president Joe Biden announced his order asking that American intelligence agencies conduct their own investigations into Covid’s origins and report back in 90 days.

“Given the intensifying US strategic containment of China, I would like to remind once again that we have many urgent tasks, but one of the most important is to keep rapidly increasing the number of nuclear warheads and strategic missiles like the Dongfeng 41 with extremely long-range and high survival capabilities. This is the cornerstone of China’s strategic resilience against the United States,” Mr Hu wrote in a post translated by Chinese human rights activist Jennifer Zeng.

“We must be prepared for a high-intensity showdown between the US and China, at which point a large number of DF-41 and JL-2 and JL-3 will be the backbone of our strategic will. “Our nuclear missiles must be so numerous that the US elite will tremble at the thought of military confrontation with China at that time.”


11 Comments on China’s Global Times Says China Must Increase Nuclear Missile Production If U.S. Probes Covid Origin

  1. Done deal. And Fauci will be the fall guy. But we need to know who EXACTLY was behind him. This was an act of war. But biden and harris are in their pockets!!

  2. “The posts were made just after US president Joe Biden announced his order asking that American intelligence agencies conduct their own investigations into Covid’s origins and report back in 90 days.”

    1. Biden isn’t the true, elected President. There’s no such thing as “President Biden”.
    2. 90 days is plenty of time for America’s so-called intelligence agencies to cover everything up, so the ChiComs have nothing to worry about.
    3. Even if the aforementioned coverup does not occur, Pedo Joe won’t even dare wag his finger at China. Assuming he even remembers where China is.

  3. There are lots of domestic internal divisions in China. Nothing brings a country together like an external threat or war. With a very weak US administration, strategically it would not be surprising for China to saber rattle or even spark a war. Wag the dog

  4. Saber rattling of a kind the world has not seen for a long time.

    Biden is going to have a hell of a time with China, since he sees them as an ally of a sort, instead of a deadly threat. His head is not in the right place to deal with the Red Beast.

    Either he’ll over-react and do something real dumb, or not react at all. Either way, he’s screwed.

  5. How sinister does this shit go..? Human history says it’s very ugly, and sinister. Better get cracking on it, or it’s going to crack you, and me.

    Life is truly beautiful with God’s consent. Too bad too many don’t get it.

    To love is to truly mean it. Life comes from the heart.

  6. Well, a strong offense is a good defense, or so I’m told. Also, that sure as hell doesn’t sound like something someone with something to hide would say — not at all.

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