China’s Greatest Apologist, Tom Friedman, Argues We Still Need China – IOTW Report

China’s Greatest Apologist, Tom Friedman, Argues We Still Need China

News Busters

Apparently, American manufacturing workers and scientists weren’t good enough to help America through the coronavirus crisis and we could only get through it with the help of those that caused it: China. That’s according to Beijing-loving New York Times columnist Tom Friedman during a Thursday night appearance on CNN’s Cuomo Prime Time.

Just after noting that there would be an “explosion” in more domestic manufacturing of essential supplies needed in a pandemic once this crisis was over, Friedman immediately defended the communist regime from the current round of denunciations for their role in creating the crisis. More

21 Comments on China’s Greatest Apologist, Tom Friedman, Argues We Still Need China

  1. I see little need for anything from Wun Hung Lo, Sum Ting Wong or Hu Flung Wu Flu! There isn’t anything we can’t produce as a primary premium product right here in America with tariffs on Chinese secondary products to keep them from cornering the market on anything! We just have to keep the foreign lobby money from totally corrupting things!

  2. “…China is a source of capital that we are going to need when we want to grow out of this. It’s a source of manufacturing prowess,” he proclaimed…”

    No, it’s a source of slave labor wage / government subsidized products, whose sole intent is to put American businesses out of business.

    You’re an ignorant sycophant asshole Friedman.

  3. I feel guilty reading that. It’s like watching the special ed kid eat a dog turd. And… just… watching.

    Even the cherry picked quotes, prove the exact opposite of what Fondacaro claims. The “kill” quote he chooses:

    This is not the time for a U.S.-China cold war. I can’t think of anything more reckless. China is a source of capital that we are going to need when we want to grow out of this. It’s a source of manufacturing prowess

    Backed with:

    Trump needs to be doing two things. One is get on the phone with Xi Jinping and simply say, I’m lifting all the tariffs. We got to have the supply chains work.

    Friedman doesn’t “love” “Beijing”. Friedman isn’t “defend[ing] the communist regime”. Friedman is a capitalist. Period. Full stop. A full throated, proud to be USA! (as part of the global financial market), capitalist. (See? There’s never a full stop. There is no end.)

    This is what capitalism is. What it is designed to be. It doesn’t matter now, any more than it mattered then, the China is communist. As long as capitalists get to capitalize.

  4. We should cut China off, completely. Let them sell their knock off purses and watches elsewhere. Not one boat or airplane moving freight from China.
    Let Nike find another slave labor source for their overpriced shoes.
    What would be the downside, tanking the economy? That’s already been done with the help of their democrat minions.

  5. We need China to produce a more powerful version, called Whuhan 2, or Flying Tiger 1. They have declared war on the world, the release of this feces was not accidental, the main purpose was to impede our comic growth. Hey Ping you know where you can shove that rickshaw.

  6. @Anonymous March 20, 2020 at 6:58 pm –

    “…This is what capitalism is. What it is designed to be. It doesn’t matter now, any more than it mattered then, the China is communist. As long as capitalists get to capitalize…”

    NO, NO, NO! There is NOTHING free market about communism, NOTHING! Free market capitalism rejects government intervention, communism requires government intervention. This is not what capitalism is.

  7. @stirrin the pot March 20, 2020 at 7:19 pm

    Alright, Mr. Dumpty. Words mean exactly what you want them to mean. Unless you add extra words. Then they mean whatever you want them to mean. It’s different. (To quote The Church Lady) How convenient.

    I didn’t use the phrase “fee market”. “Free” markets have as much to do with capitalism as purple. (Well, you caught me. Actually less than purple. Capitalism requires that markets not be free. Requires. Yes, that’s the word used.)

    “Free market capitalism rejects government intervention” is a lie more painful than watching that special ed kid eat, another, dog turd. Capitalism is predicated on government, absolute government, control. (Oh, you caught me again. I wrote “control”. Maybe that doesn’t include “interference”. Maybe.)

    “[C]ommunism requires government intervention”. Yes, it does.

    “This is not what capitalism is.” Well, looky there. Karl Marx has joined Stan Lee. Looks like we’ve got a double turboprop to Fairyland.

  8. I love to be the devil’s advocate, so here goes:

    Why not Central/South America? Or Africa? Why is everything made in China? China has an average IQ of 100 to 105. Same with the US, Japan, and most of Europe. Their workers can understand and preform complicated tasks. Contrast that with Africa, Central/South America, the Philippines, or much of South Asia, with an average IQ of 75. Do you think Guatemala or Kenya could produce iPhones? Not likely. And that’s the conundrum in a nut-shell.

    If not here, where? China. While labor costs dropped, prices stayed high and profits soared for the big-tech firms. American labor is the only other source that can do the job, but at the cost of huge profits for big tech, big pharma, big retail, etc.

    We sacrificed the standard of living for American workers for the profits of people that now live on private islands. We get cheap goods, but at the cost of social capital; we have to pay public assistance to our fellow citizens, so did the costs really go down? No.

  9. @stirrin the pot March 20, 2020 at 7:19 pm


    I, also, didn’t intend to use the phrase “fee market”. I’m hoping that’s understood (in context) to have been “free market”.

    (The “inside baseball”: When the [blankety-blank] server hangs, and the page controls won’t load until the [blankety-blank] server signals it’s done, the page controls might never appear. So, no “edit”. And, sometimes, it takes an insane period of time, to regain them.)

    (Or just call me “the special ed speller”. And laugh. It’s a devastating retort.)

  10. @Lance o Lot March 20, 2020 at 8:02 pm

    > I love to be the devil’s advocate, so here goes:
    > Why not Central/South America? Or Africa? Why is everything made in China?

    A billion here, a billion there. Why not India? “Obviously” they’re smarter than Americans. That’s why the United States keeps importing them to replace “stupid” Americans.

    When China “opened” to “the West”, Russia was still The Soviet Union. Just as communist. Why not there? Instead of China? The Soviets were even famous for “knocking off” United States’ tech. Generations before the Chinese could make flush toilets.

    Writing of “back then”… Why not South Africa? They did the world’s first human heart transplant.

    (There’s an election coming up. So be circumspect.) Why not (Bernie’s — according to fake news — favorite) Cuba? Certainly Cubans are not less intelligent than Americans.

    What… oh, what… did China have, then, and is the only remaining place that has, now, what would make it “the West’s” company town?

  11. My point was obvious. Friedman’s bloviating is of no more value than that of PHenry’s and mine doesn’t require a subscription. It’s free of charge. Friedman wants you to pay for his glistening brilliance.

    It’s a free country and you are free to spend your hard earned money as you like.

  12. I can’t decide which of these three characters from Atlas Shrugged best represents Tom Freidman:
    Bertram Scudder is an editorial writer for the magazine The Future. He typically bashes business and businessmen, but he never says anything specific in his articles, relying on innuendo, sneers, and denunciation.
    Dr. Simon Pritchett is the prestigious head of the Department of Philosophy at Patrick Henry University and is considered the leading philosopher of the age. He believes that man is nothing but a collection of chemicals, reason is a superstition, it is futile to seek meaning in life, and the duty of a philosopher is to show that nothing can be understood.
    Balph Eubank is called “the literary leader of the age”, despite the fact that no book he has written has sold more than 3,000 copies. He complains that it is disgraceful that artists are treated as peddlers, and that there should be a law limiting the sales of books to 10,000 copies.
    Maybe he’s an amalgamation of all three?

  13. The capitalists, who were goaded by world government types, bought into the produce in China frenzy. And, in the process, bring China into the mainstream of nations.

    Now that people are having second and third thoughts about the Red Beast, the capitalists who once thrived in the evil alliance are going to have to pay. They will pay by bringing production back to the US and pay the higher salaries.

    The honeymoon with China is almost over. Freidman simply does not want it to be over.

    I say he is a chicken shit liberal NY red diaper baby with parents who forced Marxism down his throat, with the result that he has been a miserable traitor all his life.


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