China’s Manchurian Candidate – IOTW Report

China’s Manchurian Candidate

Washington Free Beacon

The Chinese Communist Party was pulling for Joe Biden to win the 2020 presidential election, according to former president Barack Obama’s ambassador to China.

Max Baucus, who is on the payroll of several CCP-connected firms, said in an interview with Politico published Friday that CCP officials were optimistic about Biden softening relations between the United States and China.

“I had some very good Chinese friends—high up in the government—and I talked to them before the [2020] election, and they said they hoped Biden would win the election and not [Donald] Trump,” Baucus said. “Why? Because they said, ‘We could deal with Biden.’ They thought because he’s steeped in foreign policy and he was chairman of that Foreign Relations Committee, he’s reasonable, whereas … you never know where Trump is going to go.” Select

7 Comments on China’s Manchurian Candidate

  1. What’s so hard to understand about that?
    Remember that actions speak louder than words and verything that Jackass Joe has done has worked in favor of the Chinese goal to destroy the US!

  2. “They thought because he’s steeped in foreign policy and he was chairman of that Foreign Relations Committee, he’s reasonable, whereas … you never know where Trump is going to go.”

    Oh, bullshit. First off, they know damn well this fool isn’t “steeped” in anything, he is a dumbass, always has been.

    Both Biden and Trump were/are an open book; “America first” Trump would be a hindrance and an obstacle to their plans whereas Biden would be a facilitator due to his weakness and vulnerability to blackmail.

  3. I’m shocked to learn that an adversary of the US would want a stone stupid Potatohead installed as POTUS !

    Why they could even cover the cost of million of fake write in ballots to insure such an outcome. Whoa!


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