China’s Third-World Accommodations for Olympics Can’t Be Hidden by Censorship – IOTW Report

China’s Third-World Accommodations for Olympics Can’t Be Hidden by Censorship


My PJ Media colleague Victoria Taft covered the extraordinarily brutal conditions for athletes forced to enter the COVID protocols. The conditions have driven some athletes to tears.

It’s not just the terrible food, the dirty rooms, the lack of reliable internet, or other inconveniences that may — or may not — be deliberate in order to give Chinese athletes a leg up in the competition.

Even in the ordinary accommodations for athletes, the Olympics are proving to be an ordeal rather than a celebration of athletic excellence.

China is supposed to be a great big grown-up country possessing nuclear weapons — technologically advanced, and supposedly an upstanding member of the community of nations.

If this is how they treat guests, remind me never to visit there. more here

26 Comments on China’s Third-World Accommodations for Olympics Can’t Be Hidden by Censorship

  1. “The conditions have driven some athletes to tears.”

    …I think you spelled “Divas” wrong there, I don’t usually think of uncommonly big, strong adult human beings crying over an uncomfortable dorm room…

  2. “…the extraordinarily brutal conditions…”

    …the National Guard troops that slept on marble floors without cots in the Capitol until Pelosi forced them to sleep in an unheated parking garage instead while Democrats fed them rotten meals provided by Democrat contractors laugh at you for your idea of brutal conditions and for thinking it’s just China and not Communists in general including our own…

  3. Dumb asses, why are they even there.
    I’ve watch watched more clips of Queen Nancy warning the Olympians to be careful of what they say than any of that actual events.
    It’s all crap to me and apparently I am not alone on this this.

  4. Dumb asses, why are they even there.
    I’ve watch watched more clips of Queen Nancy warning the Olympians to be careful of what they say than any of the actual events.
    It’s all crap to me and apparently I am not alone on this this.

  5. @SNS: “…the National Guard troops that slept on marble floors without cots in the Capitol until Pelosi forced them to sleep in an unheated parking garage instead ”

    Thank you for remembering that. Most don’t.

  6. olympics used to be really cool.
    Remember the USA hockey team? I do.
    yah, that was cool.

    It is now a politically correct shitshow with trannys and confused kids going through more mental gymnastics than the gymnasts

  7. Uhigar people get a hellish treatment!
    Only dam peaceful Muz on the planet for real
    and China tortures them.
    Olympics aren’t like I remember in the ’60’s.
    They were exciting.

  8. I worked the 96 Olympics in Atlanta. We had cameras covering public places including stairwells in the housing. When they weren’t competing they were screwing in any place that they thought they wouldn’t get caught. That experience turned me off to the Olympics.


    Because it’s true.

    Your brain isn’t warped like a leftist. You can see what’s what. You’ve proven that over the years. Something no anony can do.

    BTW – Good to see you again.

  10. Many of us who served in the military have endured greater life threatening struggles and hardships beyond regular citizens or olympic participants.

    I’ll not bore the olympians with my experiences, rather I will share some helpful words as a life lesson.

    “Shut the Fuck Up and stop whining”, you don’t even know what real life struggles or hardships are.

  11. How dense do those athletes have to be not to know how China treats their own subjects? Just exactly what did they expect from a country run by the CCP? Maybe these dimwit athletes that compete all over the world never heard the CCP employs slave labor. The CCP is going to continue to give it to them good and hard. Be prepared for alot more whining and hand wringing.

  12. “For those reminiscing of past Olympics, don’t forget some of those East German ‘women’. That was some scary shit.”

    … and kind of fun too. “Man” with vaginas, women with shaving cuts, “man” with hairy tits and so on.

  13. Rotten kimchi with bat wing cheese still tastes like rotten kimchi, is standard special meal for Chinese peons, what makes you think you deserve better from socialist dominated empire, round eyes?


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