China’s WeChat Admits To Secretly Scanning Users’ Photos – IOTW Report

China’s WeChat Admits To Secretly Scanning Users’ Photos

National Pulse: Chinese messaging platform WeChat – which President Trump sought to ban from operating in the United States – has admitted to regularly scanning users’ photos even while the app isn’t in use.

WeChat – which saw the Trump-era efforts to ban it halted by Joe Biden’s Commerce Department – confessed to the disturbing and intrusive practice after an exposé by a tech influencer known as “Hacklous”.

Owned by Chinese Communist Party-affiliated Tencent – which counts high-profile Biden appointees and Democratic officials as investors – WeChat “scans photo galleries for durations of up to 1 minute each while running in the background,” according to Hacklous.

“The same influencer later added that Tencent’s QQ messaging app and Taobao, Alibaba Group Holding’s top online shopping marketplace with roughly 900 million MAUs, have also been found to be routinely scanning user photos,” a report added. more here

2 Comments on China’s WeChat Admits To Secretly Scanning Users’ Photos

  1. Watched a funny video about a Taiwanese COD player posting images of the Tainemen Square massacre around the map while playing on a Chinese server. He’d run up to a wall, paste an image on it, run off to another section of the map, repeat over and over again. It only took about a minute for them to kick him off the server. They really don’t want the average Chinese citizen seeing those pictures.


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