Chinese Commercial Only Scratches The Surface – IOTW Report

Chinese Commercial Only Scratches The Surface

A lot of people in this country have their undies in an uproar over a new TV ad in China for Qiaobi Detergent. It features a young woman jamming laundry soap in a black man’s mouth then sticking him head first into a washing machine. When he comes out, he’s a changed man.


Are we too sensitive about race in this country or is the rest of the world not sensitive enough? Did anyone from Africa object?

The commercial raises more questions than the left can generate prepackaged responses too.

What if the lady shoved a transgender man in the washing machine?

What would Obama come out as if he were jammed in and put through the heavily soiled cycle?


So many possibilities to offend the left here.

19 Comments on Chinese Commercial Only Scratches The Surface

  1. Just get the f*ck over it, daybed flouncers. The (white) Maytag men are on their knees now. I don’t hear any uproar about that from the perpetually offended.

  2. Well, there’s really no doubt that the concept here to say that the blackness of black people is dirt that can be washed away. If I were a black man, I might decide not to buy that particular brand of detergent. In fact, I might even be a bit offended by the whole thing.

    But I’m not a black man. I’m not a yellow man for that matter, but sort of off-pink with a suntan overlay. So I really don’t give a mutt’s butt about this whole thing.

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