Chinese Company Sues Venezuela over Failure to Pay Debt – IOTW Report

Chinese Company Sues Venezuela over Failure to Pay Debt


One of China’s largest state-owned companies has filed a lawsuit against the Venezuelan state-run oil firm Petroleum of Venezuela (PDSVA) over their failure to pay their debt, the Financial Times first reported.

The oil and gas company Sinopec filed a lawsuit on November 27 in a Houston, Texas, federal court for $23.7 million plus interest and damages over Venezuela’s failure to pay half of a $43.5 million order for steel products, accusing the PDSVA of a “disingenuous nature [and] feigned promises to make full payment.”

It also alleges PDVSA “hid behind a complicated series of subsidiaries and affiliates,” adding that some PDVSA-affiliated companies “were acting in concert to defraud Sinopec.”

The disputed amount is only a fraction of Venezuela’s total debt burden, which according to a recent paper published by the Harvard Law Roundtable amounts to $190 billion, with the troubled country recently entering default on a number of its piling debts.

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8 Comments on Chinese Company Sues Venezuela over Failure to Pay Debt

  1. The United States has absolutely no jurisdiction over Venezuela. I guess I’ll let crap about how smart the Chinese are just went out the window. The judge should just throw that out.

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