Chinese couple late for plane, so they block the plane from taking off – IOTW Report

Chinese couple late for plane, so they block the plane from taking off


According to the South China Morning Post (via Beijing Youth Daily), the couple arrived at the boarding gate after it had already closed. The two broke through security cordons to head to the runway leading to the plane, pushing and shoving airport staff aside in the process.

The wife reportedly told airport staff that she would not leave the runway unless they were allowed to board the plane.

To prevent the aircraft from taking off, the couple stood under it with their luggage and refused to budge.

“When two police officers tried to approach the woman, she became really emotional and started crying and waving her arms,” one witness was quoted as saying.

The plane only departed after the husband dragged the woman into a police car to be driven away.

The report said the couple claimed they were late in arriving at the airport due to “personal reasons”. Airport police have detained them for five days.


ht/ big owe

14 Comments on Chinese couple late for plane, so they block the plane from taking off

  1. Creative way to become human FOD (Foreign Object/Debris) for that engine. Looks like a Boeing from the hushkit, maybe a 777 but not sure.

    There was a US Navy Sailor that got sucked into an A-6 intake while on a carrier deck a while back, his helmet saved his live by stopping the engine if I remember correctly.

  2. They might have been trying to kill evil spirits …
    During World War Two, the Chinese coolies used to run in front of planes to try and kill the evil spirits they believed followed them around. They were a bunch hired to build landing strips where my dad was stationed in the CBI theater.
    So he was landing one time and a coolie runs out in front of his C-47, trying to kill that evil spirit, and the prop hits the guy in the head and kills him.
    Dad reported it to the tower and they radioed back, “ahh, roger on the Chink, taxi down the next runway.”

    My favorite WW2 story from dad.

  3. Asians are just not like us. Attended a Korean/American wedding last year I was tossed about by little Korean ladies trying to find my seating card for the reception.
    Btw. Korean/American wedding lasted slightly longer than the road trip to attend.

  4. PHenry you are absolutely spot on. They stop at nothing to get ahead and achieve their ideal of status. Rampant student cheating on tests to get into US universities,cutting in line at airports , young women pursuing rich older white men to become affluent (Wendi Deng, Julie Chen etal) course they get plastic surgery first on their eyes/nose etc. Its a different culture and no one wants to tell the truth about it.

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