Chinese Cyber Warfare Target Rare Earth Supplier to US Military – IOTW Report

Chinese Cyber Warfare Target Rare Earth Supplier to US Military

Washington Times

China conducted a sophisticated disinformation campaign against a company building a rare earth minerals facility in Texas for the Pentagon, according to the Pentagon and a cybersecurity firm.

The cybersecurity company, Mandiant, disclosed the campaign on Tuesday. It said Chinese actors used social media in a bid to discredit Lynas Rare Earths Ltd., an Australian company, and other rare earth mining firms to undermine the critical supply chain for the elements. The Pentagon has signed an agreement with Lynas, the world’s largest rare earth mining and processing company, to build a Texas plant. More

7 Comments on Chinese Cyber Warfare Target Rare Earth Supplier to US Military

  1. It’s not that the slants are that smart, it’s that we’re that stupid. I have no respect for the Chinese. None of them. They’re paper tigers with a big mouth. Trump knew.

  2. If the CIA were not busy setting up and running false operations against our own citizenry and interfering in the internal affairs of sovereign nations for no other reason than to enhance the money laundering operations on behalf elected and appointed officials, their friends, family and business associates these things might not be happening. Just a thought.

  3. “I have no respect for the Chinese.” -Brad

    Have you noticed how subservient the Chinese people are? Just like the Jews of Germany prior/during WWII. Such a culture breeds dictatorships.

    And our own growing subservience brings us very close to one now. We’ve become very un-American.

  4. “Ryman diggy compahy bah foh earf.”

    Really think they should have farmed out some of the actors from New Zealand or something.


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