Chinese Girls Who Are “Breed Ready” – IOTW Report

Chinese Girls Who Are “Breed Ready”

China’s communist rulers are beginning to panic over the declining birth rate among their subjects. The fear of a demographic disaster has members of the National People’s Congress frantically proposing all kinds of new incentives to get ethnic Han Chinese to have more children. More

Officials have gone so far as to create a database of “Breed Ready” women, which was recently discovered by Dutch ethical hacker, Victor Gevers. Observers estimate there are nearly 2 million eligible women of child bearing age living in and around Beijing in the database. More

Some are speculating that Chinese authorities are not far off now of implementing a “2 Child Policy” on their people, which isn’t a limit on the number of children but a directive to have no fewer than two children among couples. Watch 

16 Comments on Chinese Girls Who Are “Breed Ready”

  1. Well the chinks will not import muzzies…. they are currently rehabilitating uyighers (spl).. they have successfully killed off most of the female children spawned there. Fook ’em! They deserve to fookin’ perish. It is their own doing. Fook ’em!
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  2. Sit back. Have a smoke. Ponder this.

    China ain’t gots no womyns. Why? Because Chinese parents kill bebe girls.
    Boyz are more desirable and more likely to have career options that will benefit the entire family.

    So…. if I’m reading this right….. they’re gonna’ make more babies, continue to kill the girls and wind up with even more young men of military service age. Which they already have millions of.

    There is no possible way this doesn’t end in a fiery cataclysm.

  3. It wasn’t too long ago I remember reading there was a crisis in China because there were 50 billion more men than women. 50 years ago the Chinese were starving due to over population. I can’t keep up with all the Chinese crisis.

  4. I thank God every day that we were blessed with one of China’s disposable baby girls. #1 Daughter is American now, through and through. A beautiful, talented girl with a brain in her noggin. My heart aches for all the children there who died or live in unspeakable poverty with no economic mobility under China’s terrible social engineering.


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