Chinese Hair Washing Machine – IOTW Report

Chinese Hair Washing Machine

What do you get when you put an inversion table over a top loading washing machine? I’d not know either, but this guy claims to have invented a hair washing machine. Watch

18 Comments on Chinese Hair Washing Machine

  1. PBD Briefing
    Access Key: IronTree

    This transmission is not classified and has been labeled NOT SECRET
    Approved for Public Release
    Further Dissemination; Unlimited

    To our fellow Great Patriot, Commander in Chief and President of these United States, Donald J. Trump

    President Trump,

    On this Time and Date being more than a current measurement we present a status update on joint chronological projects in multidimensional special spatial space. We have achieved tremendous breakthroughs in transportal televisual projections. Attuned transmitter paired AV receiver sockets have tripled, if not outright quadrupled, mental bandwidth frequencies through electrospherical cloud slipping sidestreams. Early RF wavs reflect reports indicative of cyclical concurrences which were especially conducive to the successes experienced. Tactical technicians tweaked the unpatentable prototypical programs into highly conductive regions of preprocessing powers. Preliminary future past post telemental telemetrics indicate positive visual proofs teletextually as well as telephonetically of continued contributions to making America great again. All systems are nominal and functioning within predictive parameters.

    It is my honor and pleasure, Mr. President, to rerelease this first annual augury report on this today June 14th Two Thousand and Nineteen.

    The Great 55 GTR Campaign

  2. @ChronicleD Vidi – President Trump called. He’s confused about your use of the phrase “multidimensional special spatial space” as it seems overly redundant in light of Homeland Security’s recent HS.Div.Dir.37991.235.12 directive as extended to research activities of your department. But he’s delighted with your work. MAGA!


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