Chinese Man Famous For Scaling Skyscrapers Films His Own Death As Stunt Goes Horribly Wrong – IOTW Report

Chinese Man Famous For Scaling Skyscrapers Films His Own Death As Stunt Goes Horribly Wrong

DC: A famous Chinese daredevil known across the internet for scaling skyscrapers fell to his death while trying to raise money to get married and lift his family out of poverty.


Wu Yongning was famous in China for climbing skyscrapers. Now he’s famous for falling from one.

For his spectacular stunt he decided to record it with a horrible Potato camera. He was on top of a 62 story building and decide to do pull ups off the side. After 3 pull ups he decides to stop and then realizes he can’t get back up. He tries a few maneuvers but nothing is working. He then appears to jump, probably thinking he would survive because he was on top of a 62 story building, but in reality he was 45 feet above a landing.

The 45 feet killed him.


ht/ all too much

31 Comments on Chinese Man Famous For Scaling Skyscrapers Films His Own Death As Stunt Goes Horribly Wrong

  1. Just Watching that makes me Nervous, because I would drop for sure and eventually they drop too. How many times can you repeatedly catch a Baseball before it drops by some Fluke of nature ? It’s a Dead Mans Game !

  2. had myself into some precarious situations during my time as a field electrician, climbing ridiculous scaffolding & ladders, overhanging dams, highway structures, tall building, tower lighting, crawling through incinerators, sewage bar screens, force mains, water & sewage plant out-takes, high-voltage structures & apparatus, etc. …. & have fallen from heights of over 35′ which landed me (no pun intended) in the hospital & have witnessed fellow workers dying from falls of less than 10′ to 250′
    but …. I always considered the danger of the situation & I never once thought it was a good idea to show-off while I was doing it
    sorry for this guy & his family

  3. The effort he exerted to get back up was minimal, and even if it was best effort he could have spent more time hanging. That, and the fact he was hanging on the edge of a freaking building, I get the impression he didn’t value his life vely much.

  4. Mithrandir

    But God Damn it that’s not what happened is it. This little Asian could do wide grip chins all day long. I’ve trained with little light weights like this. Bottom line, he got got hurt. Cramp, ripped muscle, no matter. Hit me hard when he just let go because he knew he wasn’t recovering. I’m wasting my time. Good Night.

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