Chinese military scientist ‘filed a patent for a COVID-19 vaccine BEFORE the virus was declared a global pandemic – IOTW Report

Chinese military scientist ‘filed a patent for a COVID-19 vaccine BEFORE the virus was declared a global pandemic


  • Scientist Yusen Zhou reportedly filed a patent for a COVID-19 vaccine on behalf of China’s People’s Liberation Army on February 24 2020
  • China had only declared human transmission of the virus five weeks prior
  • News that Zhou filed a patent for a vaccine so quickly suggests Chinese officials may have known about the virus much earlier than they admitted
  • Zhou is also said to have worked closely with the deputy director of the Wuhan Institute of Virology
  • Some scientists have theorized that the virus was created inside that lab before it inadvertently leaked out 
  • Zhou died in mysterious circumstances in May 2020 – less than three months after filing the patent  

13 Comments on Chinese military scientist ‘filed a patent for a COVID-19 vaccine BEFORE the virus was declared a global pandemic

  1. All of this was known as far back as March 2020. None of this is new info. When it was reported last year it was called a “conspiracy theory”, and anyone saying it was a whack job. Too little, too late, the damage is done. Satan is laughing.

  2. Wonder why the CCP would leave such an obvious clue when they avoid even the pretense of patents and intellectual property?

    Remember Carlin’s 1st Rule

  3. Very interesting news, of course there were many rumors about it last year. I am sure that we will find out about all the details, it is a pity that it will be much later. But right today we can find out a lot of information about the black death href=””>, which was not previously available. I hope that soon the pandemic will end and we will remember it only in nightmares. Peace for everyone!

  4. Very interesting news, of course, there were many rumors about it last year. I am sure that we will find out about all the details, it is a pity that it will be much later. But right today we can find out a lot of information about the black death , which was not previously available. I hope that soon the pandemic will end and we will remember it only in nightmares. Peace for everyone!

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