Chinese Scientists Claim They’ve Made “Quantum” Computing Breakthrough – IOTW Report

Chinese Scientists Claim They’ve Made “Quantum” Computing Breakthrough


A team of scientists, led by Jian-Wei Pan and Chao-Yang Lu of the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) in Shanghai, claims to have demonstrated the feat of quantum supremacy by performing certain computations nearly 100 trillion times faster than the world’s most advanced supercomputer.

The concept of quantum supremacy was developed by John Preskill, the Richard P. Feynman professor of theoretical physics at the California Institute of Technology, as a test that would show that a quantum computer can complete a complex calculation that a conventional computer cannot do within a reasonable length of time. More

19 Comments on Chinese Scientists Claim They’ve Made “Quantum” Computing Breakthrough

  1. But it’s from China. They can’t even
    make s Christmas window candle out of plastic that lasts a season.

    But make super fast.

    The Chinese and democrats are the same. Their clams and promises have an expiration date.

  2. Their steel is full of contaminants.
    Their plastic parts are overprocessed or so full of recycled crap that they are fragile like glass or soft as rubber.
    Their integrated circuits (chips) in their electronics don’t meet the durability specs they claim to.
    Their buildings look like they are held together with duct tape and staples. (I’ve been there. It’s scary)
    Sure – believe this like they say they don’t torture political prisoners.

  3. Let’s make no mistake. China is deadly serious about replacing the US as the world’s foremost superpower.

    I suspect they are not lying about their advanced quantum computing. They are hurtling past us at great speed while too many of our people here just want to have fun and get loaded or get laid. Take a look at some scientific journals to see who is doing advanced scientific work and writing the articles.

  4. Bear in mind—-

    IF—-Biden should win the White House—

    Our most favorable reaction would be to use their very same tactics against them…..times two, or more, i.e……

    Full out, non-stop, underhanded political bullshit backed up by lethal sincerity.

  5. TimBuktu

    The Chinese suck at anything original because they have NO imagination. Their miserable lives are so structured the never dream, or imagine anything. Kind of like a COVID lock down. The have no conceptual ability.


    Moore’s law worked til 1992 ~ No longer operational.
    My new machine is not 21,958 times as fast as my IBM PC. Not even 15,000 times faster.
    Actually started not working with the 80586. 586 does only 15 times the MIPS the 8086 did, not the 16 of Moore. And the improvement degraded from there.
    But it DID WORK FOR MANY YEARS! The morons at MIT (Moore said they were morons BTW 50 years ago.) said this jerk From Cal is crazy; out of his head! I found it hard to believe 40 years ago. Today I wonder why it no longer works?
    It was great while it lasted, about 20 years.

  7. PHenry, because of the style and orientation of my last home my wife required every front window to have one of those plastic candles that lit up at night. Ten to be exact. Seemed like all I did for sixteen years was change those stupid lights!

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