Chinese spies tried to infiltrate US bases more than 100 times – IOTW Report

 Chinese spies tried to infiltrate US bases more than 100 times

PM: It has been revealed that over the past few years, around a hundred Chinese nationals have managed to find their way into sites across the United States that are of importance to national security. In many cases, they have been caught taking pictures or otherwise recording their surroundings, leading officials to suggest that they could be engaging in espionage on behalf of the Chinese Communist Party.

Tensions between China and the US have risen dramatically in recent years, and the revelations have led the latter to fear that the former is now using civilians to dig up potentially sensitive information that could aid in the CCP’s efforts. more

10 Comments on  Chinese spies tried to infiltrate US bases more than 100 times

  1. Why? They’ve done a DANDY job of infiltrating The White House and Congress, what can they POSDIBLY learn at a military base that the pedophile fraud can’t get them a full breifing on at their convenience?

  2. My evil Michigan governor, Whitmer, is courting the CCP company to build EV battery factories here in Michigan. They will bring over their workers who must take loyalty oaths to the CCP. She is pushing it really hard, giving them our tax money and giving the local businesses in Big Rapids $$$$$$$ of our tax money to give them their land.

    The local citizens are fighting it, but she has two evil women that form the witches from MacBeth, Whitmer (Gov), Benson (SOS), and Nessle (AG). They will get what they want. They stole the election just like AZ and the voter fraud in GA is just like it was here.

  3. Infiltrating the White House? Please oh please enlighten us. In 2017 Donald J Trump made 6 million thru investments in CHINA . Don the Con then proceeded to LIE all about his investments in CHINA. So tell us MOE LIES derp.

  4. Well, they won’t learn much touring Military Instillation. They’re after our designs/blueprints. They find those on line through various military web sites. That’s where I get my work. DJT admin realized this an instituted a Cyber Security initiative called NIST171. It was painful for vendors like myself. But meaningful steps to prevent our top secret designs from being pilfered. Naturally, the current coup, who is obviously owned by the Chinese Government, put it on hold. However, I believe, the good news is, the initial compliance steps required before the 2020 ELECTION WAS STOLEN, has stopped the Chicoms from gaining access to that info/criteria/processes. That won’t last long.


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