Choice – IOTW Report


I’m sure this meme is racist, somehow. But we can run the same picture with three white dudes and the point would be the same.

15 Comments on Choice

  1. …probaby in front of a Black judge in a Black run city in a Black run County represented by Black representatives and Senators, too. Some cities you can’t find White people in leadership roles at all, and they’re now a minority in most cities as well.

    …but sure, the problem is White racism, let’s go with that…

  2. If it’s New York or Portland the perps probably getting an apology from the Judge, the Attorney wishes he’d hurry up because he has an upcoming conference call with George Soros and the Policeman is about to be dressed down.

  3. My oldest son once said. Sub-Saharan Africa was Sub-Saharan Africa because it was full of Sub-Saharan Africans.
    I never gave it a lot of thought, I don’t live there. Why would I? It’s not my concern. All my SF buddies are retired, they’re not there any longer.

    That can be applied to anywhere. Baltimore is the way it is because of the people who live there. Not because of some implied racist in Alabama. Those supposed racists in Mississippi are not driving up to Chicago and shooting 50~ black people a weekend.

  4. Being raised in a black neighborhood is a bad break: they are run by people exploiting the inhabitants, eager to make these neighborhoods zoos.
    To the likes of obama, sharpton, jackson, waters, pelosi, biden – it is VERY profitable.

    They do not want to ruin their money machine.

    If these kids were brought up in a Trump-run neighborhood, or a Barrett-run neighborhood, they’d be doing great.


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