Choom Girl – Malia Obama Smoking Pot – IOTW Report

Choom Girl – Malia Obama Smoking Pot

ht/ jerry manderin

52 Comments on Choom Girl – Malia Obama Smoking Pot

  1. Remember when the media had a heyday with the Bush daughters underage drinking?!!
    I’m sure they won’t have a problem with underage pot smoking in a state it may be illegal and they’ll preach that we shouldn’t go there. I can only imagine what they will publish about Trump’s son should he win.

  2. joe6pak, no time or inclination to do that. Fur knows best how to run his show and I was just picking nits. We are all on the same team here. Including JohnS, who has impressed me lately with his observations.

    Carry on.

  3. weed laws in chicago for 15 grams or under is citation with fine. presume malaria received citation after secret service guard detail reported her unlawful possession to law enforcement.

  4. Maybe instead of worrying about what other people’s kids are eating for lunch, Mooch shoulda spent more time raising her own crotch dropping right. This one is a nasty skank, flashing her butt and smoking pot. Great parenting [GOLF CLAP]You must be SO proud.

  5. “Ah done tol’ that boy his dottah was gon’ give him trouble, but did he lissen to me? No mo’ than mah cheatin’ husbin’ evah lissens to me…an’ dass da troof.”

    — Hillary Clinton (in her best Southern Black accent)


  6. I’ve always felt a little sorry for the kids of Presidents. They’re under a microscope a lot of the time and depending on the age it’s a time when they are finding themselves and who they are and what type of person they’ll be. You don’t need SS agents and paparazzi poking about all the time. And yes, I smoked some weed in my late teens and early twenties but if somebody took my picture hitting a doobie my mug wouldn’t be flashed over the net, TMZ and finally the MSM when they’re forced to. Give them a couple of years and see how they turn out. You could be surprised.

  7. I don’t know. Could be.
    Looks like it.
    I would tell her to knock that crap off. She ain’t the child of a Plumber. Optics matter.
    And what a target for foreign operatives; the child of a sitting president that ingests things handed to her in a crowd.

  8. this girl has a lot of pressure to carry on her own-being the 1st. daughter and all. Peer pressure does not help either. maybe she is trying to show her class mates she is normal like them and just wants to fit in some how. hope she finds her way regardless of who her parents are…

  9. Reina…”crotch droppings” LOL!!

    I can’t wait to watch this little pothead grow up to accomplish absolutely nothing, yet have doors opened for her to make a six-figure salary right out of college. Cuz, you know, she’s soooo smart!

  10. If a presidents offspring smokes dope in a state it makes it legal for everyone to.

    They put that in the Constitution. It fits in right where the Supreme Court snipped out the Fourth Amendment

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