Choose the Bible, or the Gun – IOTW Report

Choose the Bible, or the Gun

ht/ annie

25 Comments on Choose the Bible, or the Gun

  1. I listened to Charlie Kirk last night on FOX news. He was on that new black guys show. Lawrence something or other. Charlie Kirk says the only way for Conservatives ever to win again is to cheat harder than the Libtards, RINOs, and Globalist deep state scum. So our nation of once proud honest men is going to depend on who can cheat the hardest to determine our direction. That doesn’t sound like an option to me. You only need to make a few pigs squeal to control them all.
    No, we’re not voting our way out of this.

  2. Attenion all Investigative Journalists, Citizens and Aggrieved Pension Funders . . .

    Under no circumstances should you ever forget or let be forgotten or not remember to ALWAYS reminds people of the very very very first thing we heard about all the Bitcoin Crypto Grifting Shennannannannagrins was that ANTHONY SCARAMUCCI was on the ground at SCAM BANKMAN-FRIEDS seaside Bahamas shack space within seeming seconds.


    Never Forget. Do not bury that aspect. Don’t not mention his tie to all this. Don’t not DO IT.

    Bohemian Wraps

  3. Luke 22:36
    He said to them, “But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one.”
    They didn’t teach this in Sunday School. I wonder why?

  4. The guy’s right: America is done. We live in a fascist state, and it’s only going to get worse and more dangerous. When the FBI raits BFH’s house, will he be ready? Secession is our only hope.

  5. You need a gun as the tool of defense against the tyrannical enemies of God – The Deep State, Uniparty, Communists, RINOs, Globalists, Deviants, Elitists, Progressives, criminals etc.

    You need the Bible plus a relationship with God for wisdom, tactics and strategy to use your gun effectively against tyrannical enemies of God.

    See – 2 Kings 19:1-37, The Holy Bible. A great example of God’s excellence maneuvers in battle.

    BTW, Perfect scripture reference, Jethro.

  6. Well Lord if I were the president
    Of this land you know I’d declare
    Total war on the pusherman
    I’d cut him if he stands and
    I shoot him if he’d run and
    I’d kill him with my bible
    And my razor and my gun

    God damn aww the pusher.
    God damn… the pusher.
    I said God damn, God damn the pusherman!

    ~ Hoyt Axton

    & to Jethro … later that evening …
    When Jesus’ followers saw what was going to happen, they said, “Lord, should we strike with our swords?” And one of them struck the servant of the high priest, cutting off his right ear.
    But Jesus answered, “No more of this!” And he touched the man’s ear and healed him.
    Then Jesus said to the chief priests, the officers of the temple guard, and the elders, who had come for him, “Am I leading a rebellion, that you have come with swords and clubs?
    ~ Luke 22:49-52

    Imo … Jesus realized he was not put on this earth to rebel, but to sacrifice … it’s God’s gift to humankind … “be not of this world”

    we all have to choose … go Old Testament or New Testament
    they want to push us into OT mode (glorious excuse to start the camps & merciful executions) … & there’s only so much ‘turn the other cheek’ many of us can stand.

    … Praise the Lord & pass the ammunition!

  7. On the night Jesus was betrayed, he told his disciples to put away their swords because he knew that he had to be arrested. He had told them earlier what had to happen, but they didn’t understand. He didn’t say to never fight; just in that instance, he had to go along with what his Father’s plan was.

    Jesus made a weapon to drive out the money changers. He was no wimp.

  8. What has been lost on today’s false leaders, is the Founding Fathers relied upon God, picked up their guns and created a new Free country built upon the Word of God.

    What we lack are God driven leaders, to turn back this country to it’s original foundation.


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