Chris Christie Forcefully DENOUNCES President Trump – IOTW Report

Chris Christie Forcefully DENOUNCES President Trump

30 Comments on Chris Christie Forcefully DENOUNCES President Trump

  1. Why Trump allowed him into his circle, to help him prepare for debates will go down as another complete FAIL. These RINO A-holes need to be shunned and never allowed to be legitimized by the people.

  2. Looking for another 15 minutes of relevancy and “fame”. Too bad, fatso, you’re not worth a do-over. Very few people are. And even fewer politicians.

  3. Brad FEBRUARY 6, 2022 AT 7:46 PM
    “Chris Christie thinks he is the Republican Elephant”

    No fucking way dude. He has no trunk.

    Sure he does. He just cuts hairs until one bleeds and then he knows he’s found it (obviously while using a mirror as that’s the only way for him to see anything down there).

  4. Fat Bastard was the guy who prepped Trump for the first debate with the retard. He convinced Trump to come out like the bull in a China closet. Big mistake. Intentional sabotage? I think so. Fat Bastard has always been a big Chamber of Commerce guy. Just another RINO. Trumps biggest mistake on round one? Not sticking with the people that brought you to the dance. Pretty fucking stupid really. I’m confident he’s learned from his mistakes and look forward to the blood letting in 2024. Christy is a shifty little pussy.

  5. The only thing a fat phuck like Christie does forcefully is take a big steaming shit. So sick of these RINO cunts they serve no purpose on earth other than to gorge on the taxpayers bounty, and assist the commie dems destruction of America.

  6. And to think Trump trusted him to “coach” him how to debate Joe Biden during the 2020 elections. Trump was not his usual self, way too calm and did not even respond to Joe Biden’s smears and insults the way he usually responds and puts the attacker in their place. People saw that. I pointed that out at that time. Some were turned off seeing that, and either did not vote for Trump or sat home. They thought he was not the same.
    Never trust a RINO.
    They all approached Trump asking for favors, positions in his admin, or asked for money, and access to power. Once rejected or did not get what they want, all turned on Trump.
    Chris Christie is not the only one.
    Mitt Romney
    George Conway
    Steve Schmidt
    Rick Wilson
    Andrew Napolitano
    Anthony Scaramucci
    Omarosa Manigault
    John Ellis “Jeb” Bush
    George P. Bush
    Larry Hogan
    The drunkard lying, crying John Boehner
    Liz Cheney

    The list is too long to fit in one comment. But that is sample.

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